Faculty Office staff meeting 8 October 2014 Keith Brown Vice-President and Dean, Faculty of Humanities
The Faculty of Humanities Largest and most diverse grouping of Humanities researchers and teachers in the U.K. Circa 16,600 students: 11,300 UG; 4,200 PG Taught + 1,100 PG Research 44% of all the students in The University of Manchester 70% of income in Humanities comes from Tuition Fees £15.3m Research income in 2013/14 1,200 academic staff and 700 Professional Support Services staff Income approaching £214m per annum
Impact of Humanities within the University The Faculty of Humanities plays a key role in the University due to its size and the income generated In 2014/15 Humanities will contribute: 43% of University tuition fee income 40% of the financial contribution from the Faculties 7% of total research income Our contribution is therefore very important in supporting the University in achieving its strategic aims such as the Estates Masterplan
Faculty scale and diversity
What does success look like in the Faculty of Humanities?
6 Three core goals World-class research Outstanding learning & student experience Social responsibility Plus a number of PSS enabling strategies aligned to these core goals Internationally Competitive Funding Quality People An International Institution Environmental Sustainability A Reputation for Excellence
7 Goal one - Research: Strategic objectives Improve all aspects of the quality and impact of our research and monitor our performance with quantitative indicators where this is possible and relevant (including citations) Strategic planning and investment to identify and develop key areas that complement the Faculty’s research profile Grow research income to support our research through diversifying funding channels while maintaining our shares of the funding available from research councils and charities. Pursue a policy of commitment to research excellence in our recruitment strategies, probation and promotion criteria and reward systems Prioritise world-class research training Provide a supportive and collegial environment conducive to research excellence
Goal one - Research: last 12 months Submitted return to Research Excellence Framework (REF) – largest Faculty return to 20 Units of Assessment and 81 impact case studies Aim to have 75% 4*+3* outputs in REF in
9 Goal one - Research: Operational priorities Increase Research grant and contract income generation; diversify funding sources Enhance research quality post-REF Improve standing of our research as captured by the Shanghai Jiao Tong (for social sciences only), QS, THE and FT Business School Global rankings Develop and evidence our research impact within and beyond academia Continue development and communication of Humanities’ research thematic priorities and activities to demonstrate an exciting portfolio of established and emerging activities Increase recruitment of high-quality PGR students and improve completion rates across the Faculty
Goal one - Research: PSS contribution 10 High quality PSS administrative support throughout the research grant lifecycle (e.g. from sourcing funding opportunities, costing/pricing, submission to financial management) High level support and guidance to deliver on research assessment including REF and RRE Support to advance the emerging Knowledge exchange and impact agenda including business engagement Set up and management of the ESRC NW DTC and the AHRC DTP Development of a new ‘front-end’ for researcher development opportunities; streamlining activity delivered across the Faculty Streamlining of PGR progression processes, via eProg, to ensure consistent and robust practice is taking place in all areas
Adapt to the rapidly changing student environment and ensure the provision of an outstanding teaching and learning experience for all students Ensure UGT and PGT programmes portfolios are appropriate for the changing market needs Develop flexible programme structures, to allow the Faculty to support an increase in CPD and Executive Education provision Develop flexible programme structures that are accessible to a wider range of students Improve graduate employability and further improve our record of widening participation and social responsibility Encourage and reward excellence in teaching and learning 11 Goal two - TLS: Strategic objectives
Goal two - TLS: last 12 months NSS overall student satisfaction for the Faculty increased from 84% in 2013 to 86% in 2014 – 1% higher than the University rate 100% NSS score in seven degree programmes Recruited to overall student number target
Aim to meet UGT and PGT Student recruitment targets for 2014, attract and enhance the quality of students and support exemplary fair access Enhance the student experience, with target for NSS overall satisfaction to be at least 86% Monitor SSRs (target 20:1 by – using Faculty methodology) and work load allocation models Take forward UGT and PGT Portfolio Review, with target to reduce the number of small units delivered Improve graduate employability with target for the DLHE positive graduate employment rate to be at least 69% 13 Goal two - TLS: Operational priorities
Goal two: PSS contributions to TLS priorities 14 Strategic oversight and planning for Teaching, Learning and the Student Experience, including: Intake management Portfolio development Enhancing the student experience eLearning support, training, and guidance Development and dissemination of resources and exemplars(e.g. T&L Showcase, T&L News, online toolkits) Handling of student appeals, complaints and malpractice cases Administration of the Humanities New Academics Programme
Research - continue to support and develop research themes which address key challenges facing society Teaching – developing initiatives to embed SR in the curriculum and prepare graduates for citizenship and leadership in diverse global environments – including annual competitions and commitment to University College Continue and strengthen our engagement with alumni Work with regional agencies and organisations to support social, economic and cultural development of Greater Manchester 15 Goal three – Social Responsibility (SR): Strategic objectives
Goal three – SR: last 12 months Social responsibility in the curriculum Addressing inequality Engagement with the City of Manchester Social Responsibility project examples 16
Support and highlight research that addresses grand societal challenges Equip our graduates to exercise social responsibility and leadership Support and enhance key public and community engagement, access and outreach activities, particularly those which engage with less advantaged groups Champion staff equality and diversity, exemplary employment practices and business processes supporting social responsibility Goal three - SR: Operational priorities
Events organisation (e.g. Mission London) Support for key SR projects (e.g. Social Responsibility in the Curriculum) Support for outreach activities, particularly with cultural institutions in Manchester Goal three - SR: PSS contributions
Enabling Strategies: key strategic objectives People strategy including staff development and enhancement Enhancing University brand and reputation through Communications and Marketing Continue to improve processes Improve the quality and utilisation of the estate Develop and implement a more coherent international strategy in support of core goals Continue to diversify income through selective CPD and transnational education 19
Enabling Strategies: last 12 months All Faculty web sites redeveloped Design stage for Coupland III and MBS completed Campaign to significantly increase student recruitment from USA 20
Enabling strategies: priorities for 2014/15 Continue to improve staff performance management through a range of initiatives Continue to progress the Capital Plan in Humanities Develop distance learning provision Develop and begin to implement the Faculty Communications and Marketing Strategy Improve the operation of key processes Support University initiatives to develop a more environmentally sustainable business operative 21
PSS contributions to enabling strategies Wholesale redevelopment of four new School websites and more than 22 research Centre and Institute websites over the last 18 months A soon-to-be-launched redeveloped Faculty intranet - to ensure colleagues have the information they want and need to do their jobs Enhanced support for Schools to meet their student recruitment targets 22
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