Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 23 Topic: 10.2 Darwin’s Observations Essential Question: (bottom half of p.22) Make a double-bubble map comparing and contrasting variation and adaptation (give examples of each) 10.2 Darwin’s Observations 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules (bottom half of p.22) Make a double-bubble map comparing and contrasting variation and adaptation (give examples of each) KEY CONCEPT: Darwin’s voyage provided insight on evolution.
10.2 Darwin’s Observations KEY CONCEPT Darwin’s voyage provided insight on evolution.
10.2 Darwin’s Observations Charles Darwin Educated in Natural History Hired on the HMS Beagle as the ship’s naturalist He collected many organisms He formulated the idea that each species had developed from ancestors with similar features
The Voyage of the Beagle 10.2 Darwin’s Observations The Voyage of the Beagle In 1831 The HMS Beagle set sail The voyage took 5 years He read Lyell’s Principles of Geology Darwin spent most of his time on shore observing species, where he found much evidence supporting Lyell’s views
10.2 Darwin’s Observations BIRD BEAK BUFFET
10.2 Darwin’s Observations Follow the rules! On the top half of page 22, create the table that you see on your directions. (Leave room to answer a short question underneath). Choose a beak (each table must have at least one of each) and have a stomach (cup) Pour out the first food source into the pie tin. When I say “go” you will have 10 seconds to eat as much as you can (pick up and put in your stomach) Record your data Repeat for all three foods.
10.2 Darwin’s Observations Darwin noticed the variation of traits among similar species that he observed in his travels… Variation- is the difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in the group to which it belongs
10.2 Darwin’s Observations Interspecific variation Variation among different species Intraspecific variation Variation among the same species
10.2 Darwin’s Observations During Darwin’s journey he noticed that the differences among the species seemed well suited to the animals’ environment and diet These observations led Darwin to realize that species may somehow be able to adapt to their surroundings
10.2 Darwin’s Observations An adaptation is a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment. Species are able to adapt to their environment. Adaptations can lead to genetic change in a population.
10.2 Darwin’s Observations What adaptations do these animals have? Why do they need those adaptations? Camel Cheetah Mountain Goat Giraffe
10.2 Darwin’s Observations Compare these two tortoises. Note their looks and think about what type of food they would be able to eat.
Darwin observed differences among island species. 10.2 Darwin’s Observations Darwin observed differences among island species. Saddle-back tortoises that live in areas with tall plants have long necks and legs Domed tortoises live in wet areas rich in mosses and short plants have shorter necks and legs
Interspecific Variation vs. Polar Bear Grizzly Bear vs. Blue Whale Killer Whale Interspecific variation: is variation among individuals of different species
10.2 Darwin’s Observations Darwin observed fossil and geologic evidence supporting an ancient Earth. Darwin found fossils of extinct animals that resemble modern animals. Glyptodon Armadillo
10.2 Darwin’s Observations Darwin found fossil shells high up in the Andes mountains. Darwin observed an Earthquake He saw land move from underwater to above sea level Supported the theory that small daily geologic activity can lead to great changes over time Darwin extended his observations to the evolution of organisms.