IT Ess Module 1 Integrated Science Biomes JEOPARDY D Taysom & K. Martin
IT Ess Module 1 RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Some Like Some Like it Hot it Hot Can’t See the Can’t See the Forest Through The Trees The Trees Goin’ on Goin’ on Safari And Then And Then There Was Man Was Man Polar Bears Polar Bears And Penguins Grab Bag Grab Bag ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄
IT Ess Module 1 Question Describe the typical climate of a desert. Some Like it Hot 100 A: What is dry – typically hot/warm days and cold nights ? IT Ess Module 1
Question A: What is fat ? The composition of a camel’s hump. IT Ess Module 1 Some Like it Hot
IT Ess Module 1 Question A: What is nocturnal, concentrated urine, thick scaly skin, burrow underground? How have animals adapted to desert conditions? IT Ess Module 1 Some Like it Hot 300
IT Ess Module 1 Question A: What are spread root out on surface to collect rainwater or send roots deep to groundwater ? How have plants adapted to desert conditions? IT Ess Module 1 Some Like it Hot 400
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is because of a rain shadow. Why are deserts often located adjacent to mountain ranges? Some Like it Hot 500
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is a lot of rainfall ? What climate condition do all forests share? …Forest Through the Trees
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is a tropical rainforest? Which biome has the greatest biodiversity (number of different organisms). …Forest Through the Trees 200
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is cool winters, warm summers, lots of rain ? What is the climate of a temperate deciduous forest? …Forest Through the Trees 300
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is the Northwest Pacific coast of the US? Where is the world’s most extensive temperate rainforest? …Forest Through the Trees 400
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is a coniferous forest (aka taiga, boreal forest)? What type of forest forms in a cold area. …Forest Through the Trees 500
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What are prairie dogs, foxes, bison, antelope, owls, badgers, … ? Three animals you would be likely to see in a prairie habitat. Goin’ on Safari 100
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: Who is prairies, pampas, steppes ? These biomes are found in moderately wet areas with moderate temperature. Goin’ on Safari 200
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is savanna? Goin’ on Safari 300 The type of grassland found in a warm climate.
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is migrate following the rains How have animals adapted to in the inconsistent rainfall typical of the savanna? Goin’ on Safari 400
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is drop leaves/blades in drought conditions? How are grassland plants adapted to withstanding drought? Goin’ on Safari 500
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is flooding ? The natural disaster that is often a result of deforestation. And Then There Was Man 100
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is deforestation/logging ? The main threat to the forest biomes. And Then There Was Man 200
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What are pharmaceutical product development, oxygen production / carbon dioxide absorption, high biodiversity ? Two reasons it is in mankind’s interest to keep the rainforest healthy. And Then There Was Man 300
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is they have been cleared for agricultural lands? Why there are so few grasslands left in the continental United States. And Then There Was Man 400
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is damage plants with vehicles, which are very slow to recover due to the climate conditions? How we damage the tundra during oil drilling operations. And Then There Was Man 500
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is a tundra ? A frozen desert. Polar Bears and Penguins 100
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is below the top 12 inches of soil in the tundra? Permafrost located here. Polar Bears and Penguins 200
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is the active layer The layer of Earth that thaws in the summer in the tundra. Polar Bears and Penguins 300
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is burrow underground, change color to white in winter, migrate South for the winter? How tundra animals survive the winter. Polar Bears and Penguins 400
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is short stature, wide shallow root systems? Adaptations of tundra plants. Polar Bears and Penguins 500
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is they change to brown fur in spring/summer to help them camouflage ? Grab Bag 100 Why you might see a brown showshoe hare (rabbit).
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What are pine, fir, spruce, ? Grab Bag 200 Two examples of conifers.
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What are precipitation and temperature? Grab Bag 300 The two main components of climate.
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What is to become dormant during the winter months? Grab Bag 400 Why deciduous trees drop their leaves.
IT Ess Module 1 Question IT Ess Module 1 A: What are latitude and altitude. Grab Bag 500 The two factors that most influence climate.
IT Ess Module 1 Question A: Label the regions: Final Jeopardy
IT Ess Module 1 Question A: Label the regions: Final Jeopardy Arctic Temperate Tropical