NC Regions Presentation After you have completed your research, use the slides here to create your presentation. There are 3 sections in the presentation, one for each region. Each slide should have 3 – 4 facts. Use the titles on the slide to guide you. Try to include at least 3 pictures in the whole presentation.
NC Regions Emma Rose
Coastal Plain Chill out in the coastal plains
Basic Facts – Coastal Plains 1.The Coastal Plain is along the Atlantic ocean 2.One part of the coastal plain is the outer coastal plains 3.Another part of the plains is the inner coastal plain
Landforms – Coastal Plain 1.The coastal plain is a low lying flat land. 2.Many people like to build there. 3.There are allot of valleys in the coastal plains.
Climate- Coastal Plain 1.The climate in the coastal plain is influenced by the Atlantic ocean. 2.The Atlantic ocean keeps conditions mild in the winter. 3.The Atlantic ocean also keeps conditions moderate although humid in summer
Attractions- Coastal Plain 1.The coastal plains has rich conditions in art. 2.The coastal plains also has rich conditions in music. 3.the arts culture in the coastal plan has raises allot of money and is very popular.
Other Cool Facts- Coastal Plains 1.Well I think that the fact that says the outer coastal plains are made up of the outer banks and the tide water region that all I really think is interesting about the coastal plains.
Piedmont Welcome to a region full of city’s
Basic Facts-Piedmont 1. Piedmont contains the worlds largest city’s. 2. The piedmont Pleatu forms the central third of the state. 3. Piedmont also contains the largest city in north Carolina which is Charrlotte.
Climate in the Piedmont No info on the climate Right now. Sorry!
Landforms-Piedmont 1. Piedmont is a hilly reigion. 2. Piedmont is also the most urbanized section. 3. Piedmont is also the most desely populated section.
Other Interesting Facts-Piedmont Well I thought the fact that says: the piedmont pleatu forms the third central of the state is very cool and unusual.
The Mountain Region Come check out a cold and snowy reigion
Landforms-Mountain Region 1.The mountains are a high land. 2. The mountains landform is of course..a mountain. 3. The mountains are one of the highest parts of land in North Carolina.
Attractions-Mountain Region 1.You can go horse back riding. 2. You can go to museums. 3.You can also go hiking.
Climate- Mountain Region 1.It is very cold in the mountains. 2. The mountains are the coldest place in north Carolina 3. The mountains temp is sometimes below 0 degrees farnhight
Basic Facts-Mountain Region 1.The blue ridge mountains is north Carolinas highest mountain range. 2.The blue ridge mountains run across the state in a very tortuous course. No more room sorry
Other Cool Facts-Mountain Region Sorry I only got one fact that I think is cool 1.Mount Mitchall is as tall as 6,684 feet
In my opinion… My favorite region is piedmont because I love hilly places, its very warm there and because it has lots and lots to offer in the city of Charrlotte.