Call to Action A Community of Educators
Call to Action, Call to Action, –A Proclamation Prince George’s Community of Educator teaching and learning with the Earth Charter’s Principles Prince George’s Community of Educator teaching and learning with the Earth Charter’s PrinciplesEarth Charter’sEarth Charter’s Click to go back to program
A Community of Educators Whereas, For over a decade, hundreds of groups and tens of thousands of individuals world wide have been involved in the drafting of the Earth Charter, whose principles present a framework of sustainable development with guidelines for achieving it, Prince George’s County Community of Educators continues with Earth Charter’s educational outcomes: (1) consciousness raising, (2) sustainable patterns of behavior occurring, and (3) sensitizing the complex universal community matrix’s environmental, social, and economic problems, and Whereas, For over a decade, hundreds of groups and tens of thousands of individuals world wide have been involved in the drafting of the Earth Charter, whose principles present a framework of sustainable development with guidelines for achieving it, Prince George’s County Community of Educators continues with Earth Charter’s educational outcomes: (1) consciousness raising, (2) sustainable patterns of behavior occurring, and (3) sensitizing the complex universal community matrix’s environmental, social, and economic problems, and
A Community of Educators Whereas, the Earth Charter promotes four core principles: Respect and Care of the Community of Life, Ecological Integrity; Social and Economic Justice; and Democracy, Non-violence and Peace; and Whereas, the Earth Charter promotes four core principles: Respect and Care of the Community of Life, Ecological Integrity; Social and Economic Justice; and Democracy, Non-violence and Peace; and
A Community of Educators Whereas, In light of recent event, September 11, it is appropriate to recognize the Earth Charter in support of people working together in peace, developmental, and environmental education in pursuit of new solutions for stabilized, secure, prosperous, and justice educational world for all; and Whereas, In light of recent event, September 11, it is appropriate to recognize the Earth Charter in support of people working together in peace, developmental, and environmental education in pursuit of new solutions for stabilized, secure, prosperous, and justice educational world for all; and
A Community of Educators Whereas, On September 28, 2002, at the Accokeek Hall on the campus of the Prince George’s Community College, The First Community of Educators Earth Charter Summit was held with goals to empower the local community as educators of Earth Charter principles: Whereas, On September 28, 2002, at the Accokeek Hall on the campus of the Prince George’s Community College, The First Community of Educators Earth Charter Summit was held with goals to empower the local community as educators of Earth Charter principles: A Community of Educators toward life long learners will
A Community of Educators Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: –Bringing interrelativeness with Earth Charter’s principles and developmental practice for children.
A Community of Educators Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: –Developing culture exchanges with peace education and value-creating curriculum.
A Community of Educators Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: –Utilize value-creating educational theories based on practical classroom experience in developing curriculum units: Life-to-Life Peace Educational Teaching and Learning. Back to program
A Community of Educators Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: Whereas, Prince George Community of Educators call for action is: –Incorporating learning and teaching theme units based on the Earth Charter’s principles: A Community of Life, Ways of Living, Humane World, Peace, Partnership, Respect, Caring, Environment, Social Justice, Economic Justice, and Nonviolence Universes Click to go back to program Back to program