6 th International Workshop on Accelerator Operations Magnus Eriksson ISOLDE CERN
Index: Background WAO Background WAO Trieste, 2007 Trieste, 2007 Operations Operations Reflections & Impressions Reflections & Impressions
WAO – Why? ”The objective of the workshops are to bring together people that operate accelerators and to help them exchange ideas about accelerator operation, organization, maintenance, documentation, software, control room layout, remote operation, and safety.” ”The objective of the workshops are to bring together people that operate accelerators and to help them exchange ideas about accelerator operation, organization, maintenance, documentation, software, control room layout, remote operation, and safety.”
WAO’s so far… 1996 JLAB R. Lauzè 1996 JLAB R. LauzèJLAB 1998 TRIUMF N. Stevenson & R. Bloemhard 1998 TRIUMF N. Stevenson & R. BloemhardTRIUMF 2001 CERN R. Bailey 2001 CERN R. BaileyCERN 2003 GUAS KEK Shin-ichi KUROKAWA 2003 GUAS KEK Shin-ichi KUROKAWAGUAS KEKGUAS KEK 2005 FNL R. Mau 2005 FNL R. MauFNL 2007 ELLETRA Emanuel Karantzoulis 2007 ELLETRA Emanuel KarantzoulisELLETRA 2009 South Korea 2009 South Korea Is held every 2 years (America, Europe & Asia).
Trieste, Participants 100 Participants 34 Labs / Institutes 34 Labs / Institutes 15 Nations (4 continents) 15 Nations (4 continents) 5 days Incl. Visit to ”Trieste Sincrotrone” 5 days Incl. Visit to ”Trieste Sincrotrone”
WAO Participants 2007
Ways of communication Telephone Telephone Fixed Portable Internal SMS Personal contact Personal contact Mail Mail Notebooks & PDA Notebooks & PDA Logbooks Logbooks Webcam Webcam IP Conferencing IP Conferencing Walkie Talkie Walkie Talkie Messaging systems Messaging systems Forums MSN Skype Classic Modern
Remote tools SimaticHighres cam
Ways of documenting Classic Modern Paper ManualsBooksPosters Electronic Files (.pps.doc.pdf) Logbooks Webpage, Wiki & Blog Voice Recordings Video
Control system / software development Write specs Write specs Choose architecture Choose architecture Design Design Prototype Prototype Test / debug Test / debug Document Document
Reflections Operation Operation Software WIKI is HOT! WIKI is HOT! Equipment logging Equipment logging Standardize applications. Standardize applications. Remote operation Remote operation Personel Personel Shift work far more common than on-call. Shift work far more common than on-call. Clearly defined responsibilities / worktasks important. Clearly defined responsibilities / worktasks important. Career plan and salary increase as your skill develop. Career plan and salary increase as your skill develop. Training and personal development. Training and personal development. Operators should be given freedom under responsibility. Operators should be given freedom under responsibility. Hardware PDA / Mini-PC PDA / Mini-PC Webcam communication Webcam communication Other Shift handover Shift handover Statistics Statistics Documentation Documentation
My impressions Americans Bureaucrats & strictly controlled Bureaucrats & strictly controlled Love titles and career Love titles and career More active in discussions and louder! More active in discussions and louder! WAO Summary WAO Summary Nothing revolutionary but an excellent opportunity for meeting people in the same business. Bigger understanding of different accelerators. We all fight similar problems. Possibility to discuss with people you never talk to otherwise. Open discussion sessions were useful. A great opportunity to eat nice food and see new places! A great opportunity to eat nice food and see new places!
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