Why accessibility is important for everyone Stephen Elsden Chief Executive, Compaid
“For disabled people, technology has made notable improvements in the quality of life. It is a source of life-enhancement, making existence easier and offering new opportunities” Lorna Ridgway, 1985
A visionary lady Lorna Ridgway founded Compaid in 1986 Advent of personal computing for all Input devices for controlling PCs Accessible software for learning disabilities
Compaid today 1,600 disabled clients in and around Kent Leading full and active lives Digital skills training, transport, payroll Digital inclusion, social inclusion, financial inclusion
Getting disabled people online Digital skills training for over 500 disabled adults each month Over 8,000 training sessions delivered last year Dedicated training centre in Paddock Wood Working with Job Centres and Housing Associations
An online society The internet was accessed every day by 78% of UK adults (39.3 million) Social networking was used by 61% of adults In 2015, 76% of adults bought goods or services online In % of households had internet access
An online society In 2015, the most common reason for using the internet to interact with public authorities or services was to obtain information from websites, (33% of adults), followed by submitting completed forms (30%) and downloading official forms (24%).
Mapping the digital divide Use of Internet between Jan-March 2015 (Office of National Statistics)
Mapping the digital divide Use of Internet between Jan-March 2015 (Office of National Statistics)
Do we know our audience? Public services – for the general public Busy, often chaotic lives Suspicion, mistrust of authorities Limited access to new technology Drivers, not mechanics
Barriers to digital inclusion Access to the right technology Finances Confidence Security fears Knowledge Skills
Hurdling the barriers Smartphones, tablets, digital television Libraries, community centres, free wifi Group support, at steady pace E-safety Young supporting the old Person-focussed training
Opening all channels Digital first, not digital by default Phone, post and face to face still needed Some customers will never migrate High, complex needs can’t be met simply or cheaply
Service is a two-way process Don’t disguise inaccessible processes Consider the customer’s journey Barriers may be hidden – , Captcha, etc Ensure good online and offline support
Mainstreaming the internet Accessibility is good for everyone Involve disabled people in user testing Test with access devices – The Grid, Dragon Multiple browser versions Avoid inaccessible plug-ins, Flash, Captcha Keep sites simple
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