7 th Grade C6 Review Questions Page extra review questions
4. Africans exported ivory, gold, iron, timber and slaves.
5. Swahili developed from a Bantu language that incorporated Arabic words.
6. Both Great Zimbabwe and Mutapa became wealthy and powerful as a result of the taxes they levied on the gold that passed through their territory.
7. A traveler names Mutota founded the empire while searching for new sources for salt.
8. The positions of duke and counts were created to replace the former hierarchy of the Kongo government.
9. Portugal’s growing desire for enslaved Africans caused relations between Kongo and Portugal to grow strained.
10. East Africans’ contact with Arab traders led to the development of the Swahili language. The contact also introduced Islam to Africa; many East Africans converted to Islam or combined elements of Islam with their traditional religion. Islamic ideas about government and law came to be used by East African govt officials & merchants.
11. Mutota was the founder of the Mutapa Empire. He led an army, which conquered people in the surrounding lands. He took control of their goods and lands and made them part of his empire. That is why he is called the Great Pillager.
12. The Bantu migrations led to the development of several great kingdoms, including the Shona Empire, Great Zimbabwe, the Mutapa Empire, and the Kongo kingdom. These kingdoms had important trade & cultural interactions with Asia & Europe that affected the history of both continents & the Americas.
13. The king saw positive opportunities for Kongo in adopting aspects of Portuguese culture. Trade with the Portuguese brought wealth, and contact with Portuguese culture brought new educational opportunities