Creating an Inclusive Environment Ch 2
Inclusion All learners participate, develop skills, sense of belonging to group Safe environment Supported by peers and teacher Experience joy of movement
Non-Inclusion Social isolation Made fun of b/c lack of skill, not allowed to participate Skill, race, gender, religion
4 S’s Safe: protect from physical & emotional danger – Not be ridiculed or embarrassed Successful: opportunity to attain appropriate level of proficiency – Varies b/w individuals, not make skills too hard, skills they want to achieve
4 S’s Satisfying: personally challenging & motivating inspire accomplishment – Adapt curriculum and task to individual Skill-Appropriate: tailored to physical and developmental capacity of individual – Assess each learner and develop skills to meet their needs, not everyone same developmental status
Religious & Cultural Values Be sensitive to cultural diversity of learners Include cultural diversity into learning activities w/o insulting learners Know your school – private vs public Investigate: dress, diet, communication, family, values, ethics, beliefs Positive interactions
Overweight Learners Increasing incidence of obesity BMI = wt (lbs)/Ht (inches)2 x 703 Diminish learner’s social interactions w fit peers Bullying, negative comments from peers, teachers
Overweight Learners Modify intensity Use shorter distances Intermittent activity Less competitive games
Gender Include boy and girls equally in Everything Dances and games should include both genders
Learners with Disabilities Physical or cognitive disabilities Even if you not have knowledge, seek help Do what you can w/o excluding others Include all learners in activities Produces benefits to their growth