“To Boldly Go” God calls us to share in his mission
Past Episodes “The journey so far” We shared the encouragement we have received from God earlier in our journey
In good company “We are not alone!” We thought of others who have answered the call and gone in faith: Abraham, the early disciples, Paul & Co., early Congregationalists.
Strange New Worlds “There be aliens!” We reflected on how much the world has changed around us, and the culture gap between the church and wider society
Britain Today Culture and Spirituality Centre for Rural Mission 4 Clarence Street, Market Harborough LE16 7NE
What defines rural culture? 60 years ago Strong links between the people and the place. Limits to mobility Self contained Parochial mind-set Limited experience Low expectations Today Incomers and suburbanisation Physical & social mobility Global access Satellite communities Wide experience High expectation
What defines rural culture? 50 Years ago you lived there because… It was “your world” It was where you worked or… You were landed gentry Today indigenous villagers are in decline It is a place for a better lifestyle and an up-market lifestyle It is also a place of leisure
Spirituality 50 years ago Going to church was mostly normal Non-conformity was strong Non-Christian beliefs/practices were seen as weird There was either inherited traditions or inherited traditions Faith was demonstrated and measured by commitment to the institutional structures
Spirituality Today The Church belongs to us - if we need it Church is seen as non-essential to faith Marginal and hybrid forms of faith are praiseworthy – only traditional Christians are weird! Faith is no longer tied to scripture You cannot evaluate or judge customised faith systems. Absolutely no absolutes!
Closed places of worship Methodist sold approx. 3,000 church buildings URC sold 10% of buildings soon after formation in 1972.
Faith in Britain: Research from Robin Gill Churchgoers Britain Non church folk Britain “I agree that...” 84% 68% 77% 86% 81% 87% 86% 21% 8% 27% 42% 28% 16% 29% There is a God who concerns himself personally with people Life is meaningful to me because God exists Right and wrong is based on God’s laws There is life after death/ heaven There are religious miracles I pray once or more a week Describe myself as religious Gill : Church Going and Christian Ethics CUP 1999: 128
15% at least once a month 85% never go
58% 33% 6%
33% 10% 15%
Church attendance down Average age up
Attendance declining faster than membership
Increasingly middle class
What might give hope? God’s felt presence Real belief among the faithful Knowledge of the gospel Confidence in the gospel Vitality in worship Cultural relevance in ministry Concern for the unreached Evangelistic zeal
Don’t struggle on your own Help from other churches Area staff resources Area financial resources National financial resources LEAF GIFT Further training National officers
The slides that accompanied the talk were prepared by Barry Osborne. The various graphs were downloaded from If we have breached copyright please inform us immediately.