National Parks in the Uk Britain's breathing spaces 15 national parks: 2 in Scottland 3 in Wales 10 in England: beautiful areas of mountains, meadows, moorlands, woods and wetlands. They are areas of protected countryside that everyone can visit, and where people live and work.
When were the National Parks designated? Peak District, Lake District, Snowdonia and Dartmoor Pembrokeshire Coast and North York Moors Yorkshire Dales and Exmoor Northumberland Brecon Beacons The Broads given equivalent status to a National Park Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Cairngorms New Forest South Downs
What is a National Park? protected areas because of their beautiful countryside, wildlife and cultural heritage. farms, villages and towns are protected along with the countryside and wildlife. Each National Park Authority employs between 50 to 200 members of paid staff. Rangers are the eyes and ears of the National Park Authority. They provide a contact between visitors, local people and the National Park Authority.
Rangers Know the countryside, wildlife and history and talk to visitors and the local community. Look out for problems on the footpaths (signposts,gates, bridges and stiles). Work with volunteeers to fix problems Take school groups into the park Run events for the public
Costs and funding All National Parks are funded from central government, not from the people who live there (size, number of residents&visitors). South Downes: £ 10,589,405 Northumberland: £ 2,777,344 Exmoor: £ 3,978,580
Challenges Tourism: Tourists create jobs and money for local people, but also bring traffic, erosion etc Climat change Preservation of wildlife habitats Communities: Farmers, shop owners and local residents are affected, in good and bad ways, by being in a National Park. From:
Lake district national park Photos: videos-and-photos/freephotoshttp:// videos-and-photos/freephotos#