Belgian CHM, PTK and partnership initiative by : Han de Koeijer; Belgian Focal point for the CHM, RBINS, 29 Rue Vautier, 1000 Brussels, Belgium EU CHM Workshop, Copenhagen, November 2009
Content Belgian CHM Using the PTK for information exchange in Belgium Partnership initiative EU CHM Workshop, Copenhagen, November 2009
ASEAN CHM Workshop, Chiang Mai, 24 November 2008
The Belgian CHM First web site in 1998 RBINS CHM and CBD national focal point Information portal for: Regional information (Regions responsible for biodiversity management) National reports and other documents Actors Biodiversity of Belgium Cooperation Legislation Public Awareness EU CHM Workshop, Copenhagen, November 2009
The Belgian CHM and the PTK Steering committee for the Convention has a special section for: –Documents for meetings –Preparation of COP, SBSTTA, EU meetings etc. –Replies to notifications of the Secretariat of the Convention –Preparing Belgian EU presidency Public consultation for Strategy Public Awareness activities –Spring is on its way –Biodiversity VIP campain (Joomla) –Biodiversity Almanac PTK use for different websites ranging from archives of National Parks of former Belgian Congo to MEA EU CHM Workshop, Copenhagen, November 2009
Partnership Initiative Demand driven Training of the national focal points on : –Networking –Website Hosting of 24 national CHMs (14 active at this moment) National trainings of 10 to 15 inter-institutional focal points of partner institutions Regional trainings (6 so far) Regional workshops to prepare COP and project extension EU CHM Workshop, Copenhagen, November 2009
Partnership Initiative Small grant projects 1.Reinforcement of the national CHM Different types Paying connection Organising national meetings around hot topic CHM strategy development 2.Public Awareness projects Specific topics ranging from National parks, Redlists, species list in national languages Special Pollinators project for 2010 Information should be made available on the national CHM to improve visibility of the Site EU CHM Workshop, Copenhagen, November 2009
ASEAN CHM Workshop, Chiang Mai, 24 November 2008
Thank you for your attention EU CHM Workshop, Copenhagen, November 2009