Welcome to Mrs. Carpenter’s 2 nd Grade Open House Helping Students to Become Life Long Learners and Thinkers
Partners for Success Home/School Folder (daily) Daily Conduct Report and Reading (initialed daily) Student Work Folder (sign & return the next day) Conferences In-Person or Phone ( ext.256) Notes and Website was.hcde.org/carpenter
Leaders For Life on a Voyage to Greatness Unless students have the opportunity to taste greatness, they will not aspire to it. - Unknown
Class Motto: “Stand on Two Feet and Race to Win” Class Mission: We the class of Mrs. Carpenter’s second grade will work hard everyday to be excellent learners, helpful friends, and leaders for life by listening, showing kindness, and being good role models. We will encourage each other to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY to make good choices.
Absences and Makeup Work Students must bring a note when returning after an absence, otherwise the office will record the absence as unexcused. Extended time will be given to make up work and take missed tests for excused absences.
Home/School Folder Check conduct and reading log daily. Please initial Use parent pocket for any money or notes. Homework will follow a basic routine. Look for page in folder that students date and add page number etc. when necessary.
Homework Homework reinforces what is learned in class and also is an opportunity for you to help your child practice skills he/she is learning. Nightly reading, word study, and math fact practice are very important parts that are built in, but not always written into the weekly assignments. If occasionally, you have a conflict and homework cannot be completed, please send a note and I will give extended time for completion.
Word Study/ Word Sorts is is not traditional spelling instruction. It is based on learning word patterns/features rather than memorizing words. Students are assigned words that reflect their needs according to errors recorded on their Spelling Inventory. Homework: A variety of word sorts as well a other word work choices will be a part of daily homework practice. Your child should be able to EXPLAIN their sort to you. "Word study"
Common Core Standards Based Report Card The 2 nd grade report card is structured the same as in 1 st grade. Remember that standards are taught in layers throughout the year, to support students in reaching mastery. Reporting Scale 4 ADVANCED 3 PROFICIENT 2 BASIC 1 BELOW BASIC
Wanted Mystery Readers! Sign up to come and read to our class this school year. You will be assigned a secret Friday to come and read.
Important Websites Will be sent home My _ Guest: Carpenter2 Classroom Website: /HomeConnect/Login.aspx
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