Procedures and Responsibilities For Mrs. Higueros’s Class
Procedures to follow when your teacher wants your attention: Teacher signals with raised hand, “Attention.” All students raise hands in silence. Students initiate active listening skills.
Beginning of the period procedures: Sign in daily by your name under the correct date on the “attendance roster.” Collect the appropriate materials on the table. Turn in materials in the corresponding bins by teacher desk. READ the BOARD Respond to the writing prompt & SAT ques. write in your 7”x5” booklet. *[NOT spiral notebook]
Tardy policy: Late students will report to Portable 14 (Ms. Boykin) to obtain a pass to class. Give pass to teacher then record time of arrival on the clipboard. ( school policy) 1st =warning 2nd=detention, 3rd=detention + parent contact, 4th=administrative referral.
Procedures if you wish to speak: Raise your hand WAIT for the teacher to acknowledge you, then you may speak.
Restroom procedures Students are permitted to use the restrooms for emergencies only. [Abuse this privilege = no pass during class] Sign out on log sheet with correct date & time, then obtain the pass hanging on the front podium over the speaker. Upon returning, record time of arrival then return pass over speaker.
Heading papers (upper right hand corner): Student name:______________A#__ [Alpha order] Date:______ Teacher last name --- period#________ Title of assignment________________ Ex. Jane Smith #22(alpha numeric order in class) August 23, 2013 Higueros-1 Health News Article #1
Absence from class (YOU are responsible for missed work!) *School Board Policy* You must have an excused absence to make up your work, parents must call within 48 hrs. Previously assigned work is due when student returns to class. Students have 2 class days to make up work for each class, if excused only! Log on to
Weekly homework : Health news article due at the end of every week. See “Health News Article Rubric” *This is only given credit on the due date* Submit to follow prompts to set up your account.
Late work policy: Grade 9- work submitted one day late will be penalized 20% **no work will be accepted after the first day late** ***Daily homework assignments in ALL grades receive credit ONLY when submitted on time*** Grade 10 will be penalized 50% **no work accepted after the first day late**
Before Class Dismissal : Did you check the board and write the H/W in your planner? Did you turn in all assignments(s) due for that day (placed in your period’s bin) Did you organize and clean your areas? Remain seated until the teacher dismisses you.