Chaparral High School Fri., Jan. 9, 2015
The Veterans Heritage Project has a mtg today, Fri., Jan. 9 during 4 & 5 hour lunches. Please come to rm F 102 for the 4 hour mtg & the library for 5 hour. We’ll discuss when to take a group photo in our new shirts.
There is an American Sign Language Club today, Fri., Jan. 9 both lunch's rm F210! New members welcome! Don't forget to sign up for sign language!
“ Girls Who Code” is a national organization that teaches girls computer science like designing your own app. No experience necessary. Come to learn this important skill that will give you a huge advantage in the technologically advancing workforce. The club starts Monday January 12th from 3-5 in C225. Join us for fun and a yummy treat! “ Girls Who Code” is a national organization that teaches girls computer science like designing your own app. No experience necessary. Come to learn this important skill that will give you a huge advantage in the technologically advancing workforce. The club starts Monday January 12th from 3-5 in C225. Join us for fun and a yummy treat!
Baylor Univ. will be at Chaparral on Tues, Jan. 11:15. Baylor offers academic excellence, service oriented campus & rated Div-1 sports. Please sign-up on Naviance.
A Harvard student ambassador will be in the College & Career Ctr on Tues, Jan 9:45. Unique presentation from a current student’s perspective! Please sign-up on Naviance. A Harvard student ambassador will be in the College & Career Ctr on Tues, Jan 9:45. Unique presentation from a current student’s perspective! Please sign-up on Naviance.
Boys& girls planning on trying out for the tennis teams must attend an informational mtg Thur., Jan., 7:15 in rm D 215. The mtg is mandatory if you plan to try out. Any questions please see Coach LeDuc or Coach Alcott. Boys& girls planning on trying out for the tennis teams must attend an informational mtg Thur., Jan., 7:15 in rm D 215. The mtg is mandatory if you plan to try out. Any questions please see Coach LeDuc or Coach Alcott.
International Club is collecting elementary school supplies for our Sister City, Alamos, Mexico. Needed are: pencils, erasers, paper, crayons and glue!...
…They’ll be delivered in person on Jan. 22. Boxes are in the library & the office. Deadline is Tue., Jan. 20! Be a part of helping little kids learn!
Have you thought about taking Zoology??? Consider it! Mrs. MacColl will be back from maternity leave & teaching it!
SENIORS! The Scottsdale Community College Open House will be on Fri, Feb 20 from 9:30 to 1:00. Tour SCC & learn about exciting academic/career opportunities. Transportation & lunch provided. To reserve your spot, sign up by 2/6/15 in the College & Career Ctr.
Remember everyone DRIVE SAFELY and ALWAYS Buckle up!