Gender Development
Review: What is gender? Evolutionary speaking, why is this? What is natural selection?
What determines biological sex?
Prenatal development 4th and 5th prenatal month Brain Modules Male’s greater testosterone and female’s ovarian hormones impact brain wiring Brain Modules Gender Development and Social Influence
Research linked to male/female differences in brain areas with abundant sex hormone receptors during development Ex: adulthood: frontal lobes involved in verbal fluency are thicker in ___________ and part of parietal cortex involved in space perception is thicker in ______________
Gender roles in development Biopsychosocial approach gender is a social construct Culture shapes our roles Role is a cluster of prescribed actions
So what is a gender role? Our expectations about the way men and women behave
What gender roles do you see?
How did we get here? Hunter/gatherers Little division of labor by sex Boys and girls receive same or different upbringing?
Agricultural Societies Women stayed close to home Men often roam more freely
Conclusions? Over time, societies typically socialize children into more distinct gender roles
Social learning theory Assumes that children are gender linked by OBSERVING and IMITATING significant others Rewarded and punished – What does the father say to his son who was in a fight? What does the father say to his daughter who was in a fight?
Society assigns each of us to a category of male and female Gender identity: sense of being male or female Gender typed: acquiring a traditional male or female role Gender schema: What it MEANS to be male or female Humans adjust their behavior accordingly
Sexual Orientation (think of orientation as a direction) Sexual attraction to the same gender (homosexual), different gender (heterosexual), or both (bi-sexual)
Gender Identity: Transgender/Transsexual/ Intersex/Queer Transgender/transsexual: although sometimes used interchangeably, it has been understood that they both fall under the umbrella of a difference between inner-cognition of gender and outward expression of sex (genitalia) Transsexuals tend to seek treatment to transition and will eventually be male or female Transgender may or may not seek treatment for full transition Intersex: relates to biological condition where social constructs are reflected due to biological circumstance Hermaphrodite, Klinefelters, mix-matched anatomy (unusually large clitoris, unusually small penis, no vaginal opening, no testes) DSM refers to these anomalies as partial androgen insensitivities or congenital adrenal hyperplasia Queer: outside norms related to sexuality or gender, would rather not exist with labels, fluid Not to be confused with non-comformity
Princess Boy Sexual Identity Goes Awry