Tuesday September 22nd In Notebook: How do you determine the size of an object when looking through a microscope?
Today’s Learning Targets Agenda: 1.Quiz 2.What is alive? Activity 3.Characteristics of Life Notes 4.REMINDER: Lab Report Due TODAY! 5.REMINDER: Test Thursday! **Please turn in the video consent forms ASAP! Thank you!**
What is living? AliveNever AliveOnce was alive (Dead) ** In your notebook: Explain why you are sorting them in this way. Be ready to discuss! **
What is biology? Study of life Biologists – study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms.
Characteristics of life 1.Made of one or more cells 2.Displays organization 3. Grows and develops 4. Reproduces 5. Responds to stimuli 6. Requires energy 7. Maintain homeostasis 8. Adaptations evolve over time Organism
1. Made of one or more cells Cell – basic unit of life. Each cell has a specific structure and function. An organism can be… a.Unicellular – one cell b.Multicellular – many cells
Organisms are arranged in an orderly way. Cells have many parts that contribute to whole. 2. Displays organization
3. Grows and Develops Grow - Add mass or more cells Develop – natural changes during the life of organism
Produce offspring – pass on DNA!! Reproduce as a species not individual 4. Reproduces
React to factors outside/inside organism Examples: Plants and sun Predators/prey 5. Responds to stimuli
Keeping internal conditions stable/within a tolerable range Example for humans: if body temperature rises, you sweat. if body temperature lowers, you shiver. 6. Maintain homeostasis
Energy is used for growth, development, and maintaining homeostasis Metabolism - biochemical reactions that acquire & use energy Can obtain energy through: making food from light energy OR consuming food 7. Requires Energy
Adaption - inherited characteristic that resulted from a change in the species over time Allows a species to survive long enough to reproduce! 8. Adapts over time
Wednesday September 23rd In Notebook: Explain why a rabbit is considered an organism (aka – what makes it ALIVE?)
Today’s Learning Targets Agenda: 1.Finish Notes 2.Finish labs – DUE TOMORROW! 3.Review Material 4.REMINDER: Test TOMORROW! Last Day to turn in late materials is……