Title I & Migrant PAC November 17, 2010 Leonor B. de Maldonado
What are the program goals? Title I - The purpose of this program is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
What are the program goals? Migrant: The goal of the Migrant Education Program is to ensure that all migrant students reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma (or complete a GED) that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment.
Who qualifies for these programs? Title I – All students who attend a school designated as a Title I Schoolwide Migrant – Students whose families have moved within the past 36 months due to seeking employment in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry.
What are the services that are provided? Title I – Extended learning opportunities designed to help students meet state standards Migrant – Offer academic support; medical dental, & vision insurance. Use case management to follow student’s progress.
Where does the funding come from? Title I-Federal monies $475,307 Migrant-Federal monies (part of Title I) $386,799
How are the monies used? Title I – Literacy and math coaches, transportation (after school activities and summer school), professional development, after school and summer school interventions, parent involvement, para pros (3), SES, transportation for SES (as needed)
How are the monies used? Migrant – Pre school teacher and para, student leadership activities, Federal program director (small percentage), PASS program, graduation specialist, home visitor, records clerk, grants manager, para pros (.68), intervention specialist, parent involvement.
How many students are served? Title I – All students in Title I schoolwide buildings (by rank) Migrant – 32 pre school 185 elementary 215 SMI 113 MS 103 Jr. High 153 High School 23 Sentinel
What is the major difference? All migrant students can qualify for Title I funds, BUT Not all Title I students can qualify as migrant students.
Migrant Program The needs of the migrant student are more specific and therefore, services offered carry more requisites. Monies for migrant students cannot be mixed with other funding to serve students who are not migrants.
SDP – 5 year plan Ms. Teri Davison, Federal Programs Director & Special Ed
Training for Parents SDP-5 year Plan State Assessments, AYP, SES Student Learning Plans Graduation Requirements PASS Helping with Homework Health, Dental, and social services ConeVyt
Training for Parents Developing leadership skills Running an effective meeting Outreach to other parent and community programs Effective communication with teachers Math toolkit & Helping with homework Literacy & Internet workshops
QUESTIONS??? (announcement-school board)