Leadership, governance, coordination and partnership Samoa SIDS Conference Secured USD 220, 000 TA from the WB Sept 23 Decision by Ministers on the host Forum was by IRENA, NZ and the Samoa government. Several PIC Leaders and officials as well as regional agencies participated – IRENA to update. UNEP announced a partnership with SPC to phase out inefficient lights in the region – PELS strategy to be adopted at this meeting USA announced a partnership with SPC to conduct a regional workshop with IRENA on RE and capacity building needs in 2015 – completed July 2015 SPC launched 3 partnerships: Cooking for Life (CFL), Bicycles for Capitals (BfC) and the Melanesia Million Miracle Programme (M3P). Implementation of these partnerships are currently underway and at various stages. PRDR PCREEE Energy Forum Partnerships
Leadership, governance, coordination and partnership SIDS Partnerships Solar lanterns to Kou Kou and Gorari (PNG), Port Resolution and White Sands (Vanuatu) & Taba, Tavula, Tepazaka and Vuruvachu wards (SI) Faseu hydro (PNG) SEPP (PEAG 5): 3 new electrification projects in the SI 1 CfL each in Kiribati and Tuvalu BfCs – still no takers Parallel to IUCN’s Fiji 2016 Budget announcement - Reduce duty on bicycles from 5% to 0%. M3P SEPP CFL BfCs
Leadership, governance, coordination and partnership Post-2015 SDG o UNGA adopted Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services increase substantially the share of RE in the global energy mix double the global rate of improvement in EE o enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology …. o expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular LCDs, SIDS and landlocked developing countries UNGA
Leadership, governance, coordination and partnership Post-2015 SDG Leaders expressed their support for the SDGs and committed to their implementation, with particular attention to the region’s ‘unfinished business’ on the MDGs (reducing poverty, achieving gender equality & the empowerment of women). Leaders called relevant global SDGs indicators to the Pacific context Use these regional indicators to monitor the Pacific’s progress on the SDGs, including the Framework for Pacific Regionalism and implementation of the SAMOA Pathway. to adopt the regional indicators in 2016 reduce the burden of reporting at the country level. 45 th Pacific Islands Forum
Planning, Policy & Regulatory Frameworks ADB-SPC follow up support on energy policy and regulations Hired in March Stood down in April Contract terminated in Aug Recruitment of a Policy and Regulation Adviser [PEAG 5]
Planning, Policy & Regulatory Frameworks ADB-SPC follow up support on energy policy and regulations Looking at several models Tonga’s Electricity Commission expressed an interest to host a meeting in 2016 Establishment of an Energy Regulators Network / Alliance
Planning, Policy & Regulatory Frameworks Drafting / Reviewing of Energy Policies and Roadmaps A Joint TOR for developing the Kiribati Energy Roadmap finalised by SPC and IRENA. A Energy Roadmap Steering Committee set up to guide the development of the Kiribati Energy Roadmap at the national level The scoping mission to be conducted on the week 26 January 2015, other development partners, NZAID, EU, PPA and WB invited – Road Map is close being finalised Niue requested SPC to develop it energy roadmap, the first scoping mission to Niue was conducted on the week 17 November Draft Niue Energy Roadmap to be ready by February 2015 – adopted and launched 2 weeks ago Kiribati & Niue
Petroleum LPG / LNG Study Final report presented to the Honolulu workshop in July Thereisgeneralinterestinexploring (andpotentiallyfavouring)an expandedroleforLPGandrelated technologiessinceinsomePICTs alltheinfrastructureisinplace, and thereareexistingoperationsinthe region. Coordinateworkinggroup onLNG (and possibly biodiesel&energystorage) to providememberswith information on marketand technologicaldevelopments. PRIF, WB, PPA & SPC
Petroleum Petroleum Advisory Services USD 50,000 annual investment on the Platts Just ask for our service Cook Is, Kiribati, SI & Tonga PPUC & Fiji Commerce commission Pricing manual launched Petroleum & LPG pricing
Petroleum Petroleum Advisory Services Safety audits of the retail gas stations in Samoa & Tonga Safety and Standards
Petroleum Petroleum Advisory Services Draft funding proposal Explore alternatives to petroleum products
Petroleum Petroleum Advisory Services Petroleum Session Shift toward higher quality fuel & Secure better bulk pricing
Renewable Energy PCREEE Bidding process completed Ministers agreed to a joint proposal of SPC, USP, SPREP, PPA and PIFS to host the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: A Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Centre of Excellence Direct the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG) to oversee and monitor the establishment and operationalization of the PCREEE. Host
Renewable Energy PV Guidelines No clear indication from the partners on how to get the guidelines adopted at the national level. Adoption at the National Level
Renewable Energy Solar Water Heater Manual Report has been completed, awaiting editing before its publication – not yet published. Report will be used as a basis for a regional workshop for SWH installers and plumbers planned for 2015 – no funding. Workshop & Publication
Renewable Energy Private Sector Investments Discussions underway to support of RE Investment Forum by the Fiji govt on the first quarter of completed.
Electric Power Power Utility Benchmarking 2012 study published in June 2015 See performance of other utilities according to agreed indicators Completed 2012 Benchmarking – data on the PRDR - access to raw data by PPA consent Publication
Electric Power Grid Stability Challenges Niue is currently experiencing grid stability problems IRENA, PPA & North REP have been involved Raised as a priority area for ESCAP’s Policy Dialogue in 2015 (postponed) Grid Stability Study
Electric Power Review, analysis and modelling of tariffs Enercal / New Cal is currently doing theirs No new known studies Studies
Transport Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transport Conducted Energy Audit of the Suva Joint workshop with transport on EE ports in 2016 RMI strong on EE is ships, a regional strategy post-COP21 to advocate for and monitor implementation of targets through UNFCCC/IMO/ICAO processes Maritime transport
Energy Efficiency PALS & PELS Regional Pacific Efficient Lighting Strategy (PELS) to be discussed later this pm PACLIGHT = PELS GEF Concept Papers
Finance, M & E Data Base & PRDR WB T/A & EUEI PDF IPESP drafted but awaiting the inclusion of the PCREEE work plan IPESP
Finance, M & E Abu Dhabi Pacific Development Fund In Nov 2014, SPC wrote to the France, NZ, Tonga and the USA delegates to the meeting reminding them of the submission given the next IRENA Assembly will be in January NZ has contacted Tonga about the joint submission. No known further progress. IRENA Tariff Reviews
Comments and Updates are welcome Thank You