Disaster Epidemiology Lessons From Bam Earthquake Dec 26, 2003 Iran Part 2: Health and economical status of Bam before the earthquake 1 A. Ardalan MD, MPH, PhD student in Epidemiology
Learning objectives: To view the economical status of Bam before the earthquake To understand the health status of Bam before the earthquake 2
3 Geographic location of Bam The Southeast of Kerman province, on the outskirts of the Dasht-e-Lut Desert in Southeast Iran. Distance from other cities: 220 Km from the city of Kerman 1,283 Km from Tehran
4 Demography of Bam district before the earthquake Total population: 240,000 Urban population: 40.4% Rural population: 59.6%
5 Economical status of Bam before the earthquake Direct employment in agricultural sector: 25% Most date farmers were small holders, and as such vulnerable in socio-economic terms.
6 Economical status of Kerman province Unemployment rate: 25% Population lived below the universal poverty line: 10%
7 Citadel of Bam and economy The city of Bam is famous for its ancient architecture. Bam’s 2500 year-old ancient citadel drew in about 15,000 foreign tourists last year and as many as three times the number of Iranian tourists.
8 Some Health Indicators of Kerman province compared with National level
9 Some Health Indicators of Kerman province compared with National level (Non- communicable diseases)
10 Some Health Indicators of Kerman province compared with National level (Infectious diseases)
11 Endemic and Epidemic Diseases The most endemic diseases: Malaria Cutaneous leishmaniasis Recently epidemics: Typhoid fever Cholera
12 Health care services of Bam before the earthquake
References: 13