Attention please! 《 2011 江苏高考说明》高考英语书 面表达示例 2--- 看图作文: 看图作文的 “ 图 ” 不局限于某一类型的图 ,如漫画、广告,也包括其他图片、照 片、图表等情景材料。考生们可根据图 示的寓意、内容或情节线索,自己组织 文字,进行描述、叙述、比较或表达思.


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Presentation transcript:

Attention please! 《 2011 江苏高考说明》高考英语书 面表达示例 2--- 看图作文: 看图作文的 “ 图 ” 不局限于某一类型的图 ,如漫画、广告,也包括其他图片、照 片、图表等情景材料。考生们可根据图 示的寓意、内容或情节线索,自己组织 文字,进行描述、叙述、比较或表达思 想观。作文应覆盖提示的要点,但应避 免仅根据提示文字作简单翻译。

Different forms of pictures

Writing based on cartoons

Are you familiar with this cartoon?

What abilities should we have? 1. 读图 3. 谋篇 2. 解意

Ⅰ. 读图: Topics of cartoons

Topics of cartoons Environmental/ Natural problems Social phenomenon Attitudes towards life

Ⅱ. 解意 (theme)-----to the point 注意 : 文字说明部分往往含有重要信息 (clues) , 切记要认真阅读!!! 1. 辨明褒贬,找准角度 (angle) 2. 联系生活,明晰主旨 (theme)

下面的漫画反映了一种社会现象 ,请你根据对 这幅漫画的理解,用英语写一篇 短文,描述一下他们的不同境遇,并就如何解决 此问题发表你的看法。 Example1. _______

角度 comparison 主旨 education inequality

The comparison indicates the phenomenon of education inequality in modern China.

角度 criticize 主旨 The students as well as their parents only focus on their academic achievements, neglecting psychological quality and moral standards. Example2

Judge the themes of the following cartoons as quickly as possible.

Come on! Choose me!

People lack communication. Picture1

Protect animals. No buying, no killing. Picture2

People can’t afford heavy medical fees. Picture 3

Picture 4 One false move may lose the game. Look before you leap.

Money can’t buy everything. Health is the best wealth. Picutre5

下图是某人寿保险公司的一则经 典广告招画,这则广告想要告诉我们什么? —————— if unexpected can’t foresee protect ourselves buy insurance Picture6

The advertisement above shows us that there are always some unexpected “ifs” in our life, but not all of us can foresee them clearly. So buying insurance for life is likely the best way to protect ourselves from a deadly “if”.

Conclusion: When it comes to attitudes towards life, using proper sayings makes sense.

Ⅲ. 谋篇 ---organization Step1. Description step2. Analysis Step3. Solutions 发现问题 解决问题 分析问题

Step 1 Description (人称 / 时态) To what degree should we describe the cartoon? Organization

Example a country boy crying long for education a city boy enjoy all the benefits of education

As is vividly shown in the picture, As can be seen in the picture, In the picture, there are… The picture shows a common phenomenon. …… Sentence structures :

_______________________________, a country boy is crying helpless in the darkness, longing eagerly for school education, in contrast, the city boy on the right is enjoying all the benefits. As is vividly shown in the picture,

Step2 Analysis( 联系实际分析 ) ( facts / reasons/results…)

Sentence structures 1.What are the reasons for this phenomenon? 2.It seems very ridiculous that…However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. 3.The picture shows that…It is the exact reflection of… 4.The picture indicates that we…/Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that… 5.This is a ironic ( 讽刺的 ) cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among……

Clues :描述一下他们 的不同境遇,并就如 何解决此问题发表你 的看法。

Indicate: education inequality Facts: drop out of school suffer from low standards of… comparatively better opportunities Results: lower enrollment rates worsen the problem Example

The comparison indicates the phenomenon of education inequality in modern China. (facts) School-age country children are often dropping out of school due to poverty. Even those who managed to stay in school are still suffering from the low standards of educational facilities and academic quantities. Comparatively, city children have much better opportunities to receive good education. (results) Thus, school in the countryside generally have much lower enrollment rates than those in the city, which in turn worsens the problem of educational inequality.

●As far as I’m concerned/In my opinion, From my point of view,… Only in this way can…./Only if…, can we… Step 3 Solutions (opinions /suggestions) It is high time we took some measures to put an end to this phenomenon./ Immediate measures should be taken to… ● The government should make laws to… ● The media should appeal for … ● We should raise people’s awareness of… ● Everyone should make great efforts to… 从大到小 从意识到行动

The government The media be aware of Only if… social justice harmonious society Example

To solve this problem, the government should spend more money on the improvement of education in rural areas. Meanwhile, the media can appeal for the public donations for rural education. Moreover, all people in the community should be aware of the seriousness of the problem and do whatever to help. Only if we do these can we have more social justice and thus make our society more harmonious

 Practice  目前医疗费不断攀升,有人因付不起昂贵的医疗费 而只好忍受疾病的折磨。人们强烈呼吁政府应当建立有 效的医疗保障体制。请根据下面图画,以 “Health Care” 为题写一篇短文,简要说明图画中所表达的内容,重点 阐述这种现象所带来的后果和你的观点。 _______________ ___________________

Clues: 简要说明图画中所表达的内容, 重点阐述这种现象所带来的后果和你的观点。

Steps Contents Description Analysis Solutions an old man suffer from go to hospital medical bill can’t afford another attach … Results: debt 2.bear the pain 3.wait for death… 1.reduce medical expenses up medical insurance /care system …

Health Care (Description) From the picture, we can see that the old man was suffering from heart trouble/attack. He had to go to hospital for medical care. When he saw the medical bill with $5,0000 from the hospital, he was so shocked that he couldn’t stand on his feet. It was beyond what he could afford . It’s really another heart attack for him. Sample

Analysis At present, many people can’t afford heavy medical fees. (Results) Because of this, they may get into deep debt in order to get proper medical care. Worse still, some cannot borrow any money so they have to bear the pain of diseases or wait for the last day of their life. What a pity!

Solutions To solve the problem,we strongly call for the medical expenses to be reduced . The government should build up medical insurance system,and try its best to explore and develop a new health care so that everyone will be able to enjoy their life as long as possible. /Only in this way, can we enjoy our life as long as possible.

Whatever the picture is, just remember: Proper description Accurate analysis Reasonable solutions Only if you keep these rules in mind, can you make it. Let’s draw conclusion


第五部分 书面表达 ( 满分 25 分 ) 下图描述的是全球环境问题。请仔细观察这幅漫画, 用英语写一篇短文,阐明漫画中所反映的问题, 并提出解决此问题的方法 ( 至少三点 ) 。 _____________ Consolidation _____________ Description Analysis Solution

From the picture, we can see that pollution is posing a threat to our earth, which comes in many ways. Millions of chimneys of the factories are pouring heavy somok into air, which causes serious air pollution. A large amount of waste water from the factories pollutes water, making our rivers fishless and our water unfit to drink and swim in. Furthermore, a lot of trees have been cut down without proper plans, which contributes to the soil being washed away. It seems that we really have no clean place to live (Description + Analysis)

The pollution is so serious that we have to find effective solutions to it. As far as I am concerned, the government should pass laws to reduce polluted air. Some measures should be taken to purify the water before it is poured into the rivers of the seas. We should plant more trees to keep the soil in place. What’s more, people should be further educated to realize the importance of environmental protection. Only in this way, we will have a clean and tidy environment. (Solutions)

It is well known that drunken driving has been the leading cause for road accidents, but some people still drive after drinking. 1.What are the reasons for the phenomenon. 2.What causes drivers to drive after drinking? 3.The reasons why people drive after drinking are as follows: 4.The lack of safety awareness is the direct reason why there is/exists so much drunken driving. ……

Drunken driving is a great danger to both our society and the drivers. 1.As far as I am concerned/In my opinion… 2.It is necessary to forbid…from… 3.It’s time that we took action/measures to 4.Everyone should be responsible for… 5.The government should make strict laws about it and punish those who… 6.Educate people about the importance of safe driving /security to raise people’s awareness of safety. 7.Only in this way can we reduce road accident…/I believe…