A clinometer is an instrument which lets you estimate the height of an object (building, tree, flag- pole) by using the properties of a right angled triangle. CLINOMETER
There are many types of clinometer: From the simple home-made
To the more elaborate
To the unusual looking
Or even this
However each is used in the same way to measure an angle that will lead to calculating the height of an object.
To calcuate the height of a tree Using a suitable instrument measure and record height A and distance B Use a clinometer to measure the angle at C Stand a suitable distance from the tree c
The procedure is the same for any object Measure horizontal distance to base of object Measure vertical height of observer (to eye level) Measure angle
B A c Draw a Suitable diagram opp adj Use this as a scale diagram to find the height of the object Or use trigonometry A
Height of observer (M) (A) Horizontal distance to object (M) (B) Angle (C)TanC (BXTanC) Height of object + A