Assigning Competitive Level Codes Utilizing Master CLC Book 3/20/2013
Step One Start by going to FASCLASS or Word document and read/review the PD Verify title, series, general format is correct. If new PD data is incorrect, work with organization to correct and/or prepare advisory* If existing PD data is incorrect, work with organization to correct, update title, etc. * Follow CHRA 511-11-GM-01 Processing Personnel Actions under Delegated Classification Authority dtd 3/24/2011 or 511-12-GM-02 Processing Personnel Actions When Classification Authority is Delegated to the CPAC, dtd 8/6/2012.
Step Two Check for special requirements, such as driver’s license, engineering or acquisition certification requirements, etc. Note (1): Focus on those mandatory requirements that are always required versus those that state they are optional, i.e., “May be…” Note (2): These may be found as part of the position title, in duty description, in Factor 1-Knowledge or “special conditions of employment”
Step Three After reviewing PD, create four digit competitive level code First digit (page 1 of Master CLC book) Example: PD# FR 00625 is a non-supervisory, non-lead, non-emergency essential position so first digit is ‘0’ (zero).
Step Four 0 0 B Second/third digit Go to specific series in Master CLC book Example: PD# FR 02265 is a 0203, Human Resources Assistant (Military) Select correct comp level. In example, assignment is ‘00B0’ You now have the first 3 digits of the CLC for this PD. 0 0 B
Step Five Fourth digit (last page of Master CLC book) determines general occupational skills that can be found across multiple occupations. Example PD# FR 02265. Based on review, does pd require office automation duties, i.e., a qualified typist? If yes, select ‘000C’. Note: If PD does not have OA currently in title but should, you must work with the organization as a title change is required. If no, then leave fourth digit blank or zero ‘0’. 0 0 B 0
Completion Based on your review of the PD and the Master CLC book, you have constructed the 4 digit competitive level code. 0 0 B 0 In example, PD# FR 02265 new CLC is ’00B0’. You are now ready to look at the next PD!
Question What if no existing comp level code is appropriate for my PD? Assignment of CLCs to the Master CLC book is controlled by CHRA-HQ staff. Provide the proposed new comp level definition along with the applicable PD or PDs to your Regional Class Proponent for review. The Proponent will work with CHRA-HQ staff to determine if a new CLC is required or an existing one can be used. CHRA-HQ will publish updates on an as needed basis to the website.