FlyMapBooks Technology-Enhanced Books Adding Interactivity and Spatial Model Reinforcement to Traditional Books
FlyMapBook - Agenda The Need Profit Opportunity The Technology The Prototype Prior Art
Reading in Decline Internet and Video Games Negative Attitudes toward Reading Why is this situation critical?
Resurrecting Books Reading electronically increasing Leverage Interactivity Differentiate and Sell
Market Scholastic LeapFrog K12 Schools Parents
Market - Scholastic $
What’s next?
Market - Scholastic What’s next? Book series “The 39 Clues,” w/ online games Author Gordon Korman
Market - LeapFrog LeapPad
Market - LeapFrog FlyPen
Market – Scholastic + LeapFrog FLYPen Harry Potter Marauder's Map
Market - Scholastic Author Gordon Korman Agent!
Market – K12 schools K12 Schools
Market - parents Parents
Market Parents K12
The Technology Situation Models & Internal Spatial Representations Interactive Maps
How It Works
The Prototype
Prior Art
Choose your Own Adventure books
Prior Art Maps in books & FlyPen Map for Harry Potter
Prior Art Interactive maps in console & PC games & in MMORPGs/MUVEs
Prior Art How FlyMapBooks are different
FlyMapBook – we covered The Need Profit Opportunity The Technology The Prototype Prior Art
Dr. Glenn Gordon Smith ? ? ? ?? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?