24 is the amount of hours in a full day. Its factors and divisors are 1,2,3,4,6,8,12 which makes it one of the most composite of all numbers. It has 3 factor pairs and is an even number. Did you know that if you add up all of 24s proper divisors your difference will be 24. This makes it a semi perfect number. Another cool fact is that if you subtract any of it’s divisors except 1, and 2 but including itself you get a prime number! It is also the number of books in the Tanakh. The Tanakh is the Hebrew Bible.
It is the number that baseball Hall of Famer, Willie Mays carried on his back before he retired from the San Francisco Giants. It is also the number of an equally famous baseball Hall of Famer, Tony Perez who retired from the Cincinnati Reds. The car number of 4 time NASCAR Nextel Cup series winner, Jeff Gordon Since The number of teams that participated in all the FIFA World Cup finals tournaments from The number on the back of current NBA star, Kobe Bryant from the seasons and onwards.
24 is the number of bits a computer needs for all 16,777,216 colors. The number of carats meaning pure gold. The number of cycles in a Chinese solar year. The number of frames per second for a normal motion picture needs. The number of letters in the Greek alphabet. The number of points on a backgammon board. Bad luck in Cantonese because it almost sounds like easy to die.
What is 24 in religion? What sports did 24 take a role in? What makes it a semi-perfect number? What does 24 mean to you and why? What does it sound like in Cantonese?