Name as many elements as you can that you encounter in your everyday life. Where are they found?
6.5B – I will be able to recognize that there are a limited number of elements that make up the largest portion of solid Earth, living matter, and the atmosphere. The most common elements in the world.
What is an element? Its pure ◦Nothing in it or no impurities It cannot be broken down into a simpler substance. The chemical symbol is ◦One uppercase letter OR One uppercase letter followed by a lowercase letter ◦H = Hydrogen ◦He = Helium
What elements do you think you would find in these places? Solid Earth Oceans Living Matter Atmosphere Iron Silicon Calcium Oxygen Aluminum Sodium Potassium Magnesium Oxygen 86% Magnesium.5% Sulfur.5% Chlorine 2% Hydrogen 11% Nitrogen 78% Oxygen 21% Argon 1% Carbon 18% Oxygen 65% Hydrogen 10% Nitrogen 3% Calcium 1.5% Phosphorus 1%
What is a compound? 2 or more different atoms that are chemically bonded together ◦Cannot physically pull them apart It’s a pure substance ◦If made of pure elements it is a pure substance The chemical symbol is ◦2 or more Uppercase letters Elements lose there individual properties and gain news when they make a compound Made up of Molecules
What is a molecule? The smallest unit of a compound Made of 2 or more different kinds of atoms Represented by a formula ◦Tells what it is made of CO2 = 1 carbon & 2 Oxygen