Professional Learning Communities Board Update February 2012
Agenda Further Communications Key Statements Schedule Alternatives Explored Principal Notes Survey Results Recommendation / Next Steps
Summary/Recommendation Proposal presented Concern communicated Request from the Board We implemented a 3 week communication plan We received ample feedback Brief Recommendation: Continue communications for remainder of I believe our parents desire to learn more and we should take advantage of the opportunity Utilize our Community Engagement Committee fully Delay any implementation to
Further Communications Last three weeks Half page with key statements introducing PLCs Survey Principal Communications Committee and Small Group discussions Individual meetings / phone calls / s Newsletters Web pages
Key Communication Statements for PLCs Increase student success Increase your teachers’ ability to challenge all students at their level Enhance the quality of instruction your student receives Respond quickly and target your student’s individual learning needs Teachers working together will increase overall student learning
Scheduling Alternatives Explored *Some would require contractual considerations Common Preparation Time Contract and scheduling limitations Parallel Scheduling Being utilized in some buildings Is limited by the numbers of support staff available Adjust Start and End Time for Staff Some buildings have implemented Doesn’t gain more time
Scheduling Alternatives Shared Classes Possible Impact; double up classes and quality of time Group Activities and Events Possible Impact; quality of time Availability of supervision
Scheduling Alternatives Banked Time Possible Limitation; Coordination of supervision and decrease specialist supervision In-service Utilized fully Could look at calendar adjustments
Summary Comments Stayton Elementary Principal Notes: Parents seem to prefer every week to every other week. In general, parents support the plan and understand how helpful this could be for students and teachers. The staff believes they are making solid progress. The staff is pleased the district is looking at delayed starts as a way to provide additional time for PLC work.
Summary Comments SIS/SMS Principal Notes: Most parents are understanding the reasoning behind the time spent in PLCs The parents are stating it would be easier to have the PLC time weekly rather than bi- monthly. The staff is ready for it to begin, but also wants the community support The general impression is parents prefer to start this next year and we would have increased support if they had more time to prepare for the change in schedule
Summary Comments Sublimity Principal Notes: Parents are concerned about lost instructional time Parents feel it would be easier to implement at the beginning of next year Parents who work are worried about supervision
Summary Comments Mari-Linn Principal Notes: There is concern over changing the schedule mid-year Some parents will have a difficult time with daycare issues Some parents have stated they would like the extra time in the morning Overall concerns regarding missed instruction time From most of the conversations with parents and staff, there is support for the idea of the collaborative work of teachers
Summary Comments Stayton High Principal Notes: Staff are excited, but are concerned with the timing and communication with community Staff believe the work will create better focused instruction Parents are concerned about the loss of instructional time Parents have a limited understanding, but it is improving Overall I feel that the Stayton High school community likes the idea, but more communications will benefit all
Survey Results 447 Total Families 437 English 10 Second Language Approximately 30%
Survey Results Which school does your child attend?
Survey Results Grade Level?
Survey Results Weekly or Bi-Monthly?
Survey Results Which Day of Week?
Survey Results Level of Difficulty with Supervision?
Survey Results Requests for Hardship *note
Survey Results What concerns do you have and would like the District to respond to? Top five ranked responses 1. Loss of instructional time 2. Teachers have enough time already 3. Getting child to school 4. Child care availability and financial impact
Survey Results 5. General Detail Questions Graduation requirements Start and end times Bus pick up times Music and PE Schedule adjustments Kindergarten schedules
Survey Results What suggestions or considerations do you have? Top six ranked responses 1. Start next year 2. More information needed 3. Teachers need to alter their schedule 4. Be consistent each week 5. 4 day week / lengthen the day 6. Have supervision available at normal time
The Positives Our implementation of PLC is further along than anticipated Be proud or our progress and our staff Parents want to learn more
Recommendation Further engage our parents Delay any implementation to Use this Spring for community and school engagement activities Focus on: How it will benefit students The practices of a PLC Details of a delayed start day Further explore creative alternatives Fully utilize the Community Engagement Committee Update the board monthly Make a final determination on delayed starts in May