Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management Hawaii: CNMI: Guam: Kathy Chaston Dana Okano Adrienne Loerzel and Steve Frano
Land Use Planning Alternative Energy Local Priorities: Tsunami Response (AS), Military Build-Up (GU) DIVISIONS : Coastal Programs Division (CPD) – Coastal Zone Management
National Goals and Objectives: Impacts of Fishing Impacts of Land Based Sources of Pollution Impacts of Climate Change State and Territory Management Priority Setting DIVISIONS : Coral Conservation Division (CCD) – Coral Reef Management
OCRM Activities in the Pacific 1. Grants Management 2. Coordination 3. Capacity Building
Grants Management Federal liaison to CZM Programs Program planning/implementation guidance Management of financial awards ($5 M/yr) CZMA section-specific oversight Federal liaison to Coral Reef Management Programs Program planning/implementation guidance Directly managed and co-manage with DOI financial awards ($1.5 M/yr) Facilitated establishment of local priorities, Starting development of Capacity Assessments
COASTAL PROGRAMS DIVISION OVERVIEW ~ NOVEMBER 2008 Coordination/ Partnerships Partner with other NOAA Offices – PSC, NMFS, NMS State/Territorial Agencies Non-Governmental Agencies
CRCP Partnerships Established priority areas with each Jurisdiction For Hawaii Coral Program – focus on West Maui and Big Island (includes ARRA project site at Pelekane) Coordination with NMFS Both liaisons participate on project planning and grant reviews Co-located in CNMI TNC Marine Program Cooperative Agreement Conservation Action Plans: Guam, CNMI, AS, Palau, FSM, Maui SeaWeb Cooperative Agreement Support 2 pilot social marketing campaigns in CNMI and Hawaii
West Maui Watershed Project New USCRTF Pacific Watershed Partnership Study Goal: Improve the overall quality of the West Maui Watershed, from the summit of Pu’ukukui to the outer reef, incorporating holistic management aspects of traditional Hawaiian land and natural resource management at the watershed or ahupua’a level. Maui Land & Pineapple NOAA Public Collaboration US Army Corps of Engineers West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership West Maui Soil & Water Conservation Partners & Funding Commission of Water Resource Management Department of Health, Clean Water Division of Aquatic Resources Division of Forestry & Wildlife Environmental Protection Agency Maui County
Capacity Building Coordination with CZM/Coral liaison staff located on island Identify jurisdiction priorities through cooperative agreements Project assistance: Planning tools, GIS Needs, Climate Adaptation Planning Training
Pacific Island Watershed Institute June 13 – Purpose To engage Pacific island watershed and stormwater practitioners in an intensive four-day training experience that will lead to improved on-the-ground management of island watersheds, particularly in priority coral reef watersheds. Instructors: Horsley Witten Group, the Center for Watershed Protection, NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program, and guest speakers Targeting State and territorial staff, officials, and watershed and stormwater professionals in the Pacific islands (80 participants) More information:
Regional Ocean Partnerships OCRM investments into regional ocean partnerships in the Pacific Hawaii’s Ocean Resources Management Plan (ORMP) Micronesia Challenge Two Samoa’s Pacific Region Ocean Partnership CZM and Coral program leads are points of contact appointed from their governors Agreed to establish partnership but still need to identify: support, membership, structure Looking for existing opportunities (NOC CMSP Workshop) Ocean Partnership Issues Size, diversity, model will vary from contiguous states