TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Basin Environmental Improvement Project Commission Coeur d’Alene River Basin Communities Infrastructure and Revitalization Plan Workshop April 20 th, 2007
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Identifying Projects Section Overview –“Infrastructure” –What makes a “Project” for the IRP? –Process of identifying projects
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Infrastructure "the substructure or underlying foundation, especially the basic installations and facilities on which the continuance and growth of a community or state depends". – Webster’s New World Dictionary
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Silver Valley Infrastructure Systems Drinking Water Supply and Treatment Wastewater Collection, Treatment, Disposal Streets Stormwater Drainage Flooding
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Silver Valley Infrastructure What we know –Infrastructure projects cost money –Infrastructure in the Silver Valley is old –Varying amounts of knowledge about systems –Competing interests & priorities –Opportunities for alliances
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Upper Basin Communities Infrastructure Value Osburn, Silverton, Wallace, Mullan QuantitiesValue Sewer Mains190,420 lf$14,300,000 Water Mains44,760 lf$3,000,000 Streets308,700 lf$30,870,000
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Upper Basin Communities Asset Value/Replacement Cost
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Infrastructure Projects IRP Projects Traditional Infrastructure Green Infrastructure Soft Costs & Projects
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Traditional Infrastructure
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Green Infrastructure Streams, wetlands, etc.
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Soft Costs & Projects THIS IS THE GAP BETWEEN THE IRP & CONSTRUCTION Facilities Plans Condition Assessments Monitoring Surveying O&M Equipment, Training, Staff
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Steps for Identifying IRP Projects Starts with an inventory of what you have –Baseline Maps Capture your knowledge of the systems Incorporate typical & industry data Determine what you do not know Identify what you want
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Identifying Projects The easy ones
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Identifying Projects Ones in question
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Identifying Projects Ones you found and proved
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Identifying Projects Ones you deal with all the time
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Identifying Projects More difficult ones
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Identifying Projects Take Away Points: We need your help to identify the projects & understand needs Think beyond “traditional” and “quick-fix”
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan How to do it –Communicate –Identify Projects –Prioritize –Build support –Invest in critical projects Developing Projects
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Prioritizing Projects
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Prioritizing Projects Considerations Unique to the IRP The IRP crosses political and geographic boundaries The IRP includes multiple types of infrastructure Priorities change
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Prioritizing Projects Steps Define Common Goals Develop criteria to evaluate projects against the goals Rate, weight, rank projects
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Prioritizing Projects Examples of Goals “Protect existing investment” “Provide expected level of service to customers” “Comply regulations and avoid fines” “Safeguard the environment” “Protect remedy”
TerraGraphics Prepared By: Infrastructure Revitalization Plan Prioritizing Projects BREAK OUT SESSION Goals