ESSEX AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL Professional Development Copyright, Plagiarism and Cheating Presented by: Debra A. Murphy, M.A., M.L.I.S.
Copyright and Fair Use
Anything not fixed in a tangible form Titles, names, short phrases, symbols or ingredients. Ideas, procedures, methods, systems or ingredients Calendars, height and weight charts, tape measures and rulers What Isn’t Protected
Works published before January 1, 1923 published between without valid copyright Published between copyright not renewed Works authored by federal employees Works the author has freely granted to public domain Public Domain
Works published before January 1, 1923 published between without valid copyright Published between copyright not renewed Works authored by federal employees Works the author has freely granted to public domain Public Domain
Is purpose educational or commercial Nature of the Work Amount Being Used Effect of use on the Market Works the author has freely granted to public domain Is it Fair Use?
Significantly altered works are more likely to be considered fair use Works used for nonprofit or educational purposes are more likely to be considered fair use Purpose
Published or unpublished. Published are more likely to be considered Fair Use Out of Print works more likely to be considered Fair Use Factual works more like to be considered Fair Use. Nature of Work
Works used for a purpose other than the one it was designed for are more likely to be considered Fair Use. Effect on the Market
A single chapter from a book An excerpt from a work that combines language and illustrations not exceeding to pages or 10% (whichever is less) A poem of 250 words or less or up to 250 words An article or essay of 2500 words or less or excerpts of up to 1000 words A single, chart, graph, diagram, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical or newspaper Educational Guidelines