ASC 282: Peer Tutor Training The 12-Step Tutor Cycle: Beginning Steps (Steps 1-4)
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 1: Greeting and Climate Setting Purpose: Set up the session for success Methods: Warm, genuine greeting Chair and table arrangement Eye contact Positive body language and verbal choices Keep your hands off the client’s work!
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 2: Identification of Task Purpose: Determine the reason for the visit Methods: Ask! (kindly, indirectly if necessary: “How is your biology class coming along?”) Follow-up questions Narrow general statements into specific items Determine what he/she already knows about the task Pause, restate, empathize—prompts him/her to specify further and gives him/her a chance to agree or disagree
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 2 (continued) Don’t accept “I want you to correct my homework” We don’t do that! You shouldn’t provide that service to anyone! That should not be any client’s task for the tutorial! More on this later...
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 3: Breaking the Task into Parts Purpose: Determine how much can be accomplished in one session and how much time to spend on each part Methods: Restate “So, you’ve got to write a summary essay and do ten practice problems and study for a quiz?” Prompt “Do you think we can do that in the time we have?” “Which of those three is most important to you? Where should we start in case we run out of time?”
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 4: Identifying Thought Processes that Underlie the Task Purpose: Help the client learn how to approach this type of task next time Methods: Ask what he/she knows about how to do it (the studying or learning strategy or technique involved) Make course materials (textbook, handouts, workbooks, lecture notes, etc.) the source of information, rather than you! Ask client to refer to them—help him/her get information for himself/herself
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 4 (continued) Summary of this step: What is the process for doing this type of task, and where is the process explained? How can you apply this when the client asks merely for you to correct or do his/her work? What can you do when the client has no course materials?
Promote the Client's Independence! Summary What message has been in the footer of each slide? How does it relate to Your keeping your hands off the client’s work? Your asking the client to identify the tasks in the agenda? Your referring to course materials rather than simply providing information yourself? Your refusing to serve as a correcting or homework service?
Promote the Client's Independence! Summary (continued) To what extent have you applied these four steps in the tutorials you’ve already conducted? How difficult will it be to implement them in future tutorials? Keep in mind how these steps set you up for success with the next steps in the tutoring cycle...
ASC 282: Peer Tutor Training The 12-Step Tutor Cycle: Task Steps (Steps 5-8)
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 5: Setting an Agenda for the Session Purpose: Accomplish the task efficiently in the time available Methods: Give client a hand in shaping agenda (e.g., “Well, we have 25 minutes; how shall we use them?”) Be explicit about how long to spend on what Be flexible if you need less or more time on a particular item
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 6: Addressing the Task Purpose: Conduct the business of tutoring Method: Ask questions Actively listen Help client find information in course materials (rather than from you) Explain occasionally to keep tutorial moving along
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 7: Client Summary of Content Purpose: Determine results—what/how much of the content client understands Method: Look/listen for “the light bulb effect” (e.g., “Oh, I get it now!”) Ask client to explain what he/she now understands from the tutorial Evaluate accuracy of client’s summary Review areas of misunderstanding or “shallow” understanding Prompt him/her Redirect him/her to course materials
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 8: Client Summary of Underlying Process Purpose: Determine results—what/how much of the process client understands Method: Ask client to explain the process (e.g., “If a friend asked you how to do these problems, what would you say?” or “How will you solve a similar problem on the test?”) Evaluate accuracy of client’s summary Review areas of misunderstanding or “shallow” understanding Prompt him/her Redirect him/her to course materials
Promote the Client's Independence! Summary Why is “Do you understand?” not a good way to determine what/how much the client now understands? Why is Step 8 (Client Summary of Underlying Process) so important? [Consider the message in the footer of each slide.]
ASC 282: Peer Tutor Training The 12-Step Tutor Cycle: Closing Steps (Steps 9-12)
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 9: Confirmation Purpose: Congratulate client on his/her new understanding Method: Reinforce specific accomplishments (not “Good job!” but “Good job getting all the variables on the same side of the equals sign.”) Direct comments at the client’s work, not at the client
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 10: What Next? Purpose: Help client connect the tutorial to the progress of the course itself—see “the big picture” Method: Ask client to articulate this connection “Well, where do you go from here in this course?” “What will you do next, and how will what we’ve done help you?”
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 11: Arranging and Planning the Next Session Purpose: There are three Take care of scheduling next appointment while client is already here Promote consistency in tutoring to maximize the client’s gains Help client anticipate upcoming learning Method: Ask, “What would you like to work on next week?” Set up a time and date for next appointment
Promote the Client's Independence! Step 12: Closing and Goodbye Purpose: End tutorial session on a positive note Method: Sincere goodbye Thanks to the client (e.g., “Thanks for being so well prepared”) Positive body language and verbal messages
Promote the Client's Independence! Summary “Evaluating is like perfume; a little goes a long way, and it’s best to apply it in key spots.” How can too much praise be overwhelming for a client? How can praising a client’s work rather than the client help promote his/her independence? How can you remember the 12 steps until they become ingrained as habit for you?