Charm Physics Potential at BESIII Kanglin He Jan. 2004, Beijing
Outline Charm physics at threshold Absolute Branching Ratio Leptonic Decay and Decay Constant Semileptonic Decay and CKM Matrix Physics Beyond Standard Model D 0 D 0 Mixing CP violation Rare Charm Decay Summary
Charm Physics at Threshold Charm threshold D Ds Why charm threshold Pair production of charmed D and Ds mesons With less or without background Take the advantage of BEPCII and BESIII Large data sample Better mass resolution and particle identification
Charm Cross Section and Event Number for 1 yr running PhysicsC.M.S (GeV) Peak Lum cm -2 s -1 cross section (nb) Event Number D ~5~25M Ds ~0.32~1M Ds ~0.67~2M
Absolute Branching Ratio Precision of Br(D 0 →Kπ), Br(D + →Kππ), Br(Ds→φπ) are normalization constants for Precision D, Ds physics Precision B physics Precision of Br(D 0 →Kπ), Br(D + →Kππ), Br(Ds→φπ) are needed for Decay constants Precision of CKM elements Model independent measurements at BESIII
Tagging Technology(1) Pair Production of D and Ds mesons Large Brs (1~10%) of hadronic decay modes High tagged efficiency ~5M D tags, >0.2M Ds tags
Tagging Technology(2) Beam Constrain Mass D + →Kππ Mode GeV/c 2
Tagging Technology(3) Kinematic constrain for Double tags D + Double Tags D 0 Double Tags 80 pb -1 Monte Carlo
Number of observed double tags in 5fp -1 Ds Data at 4.03GeV ~7000 double tags
Tagging Technology(4) Number of expected double tags Number of expected single tags Combining the single tags and double tags
Precision of Absolute Branching Ratio NowBESIII D 0 →Kπ~2.4%<1% D + →Kππ~6.6%<1% Ds→φπ~25%<2% Improvement after BESIII
Leptonic Decay and Decay Constant
Measurement of Decay constants at BESIII Take the advantage of running at charm threshold Pair production →Double tag method, model independent Take the advantage of BESIII detector High muon identification efficiency →suppress background Take the advantage of BEPCII Large data sample →reduce statistic error Information on the meson wave function Test lattice QCD Extract CKM elements |V cd |, |V cs | Theory→ extract |V td |, |V ts |
Analysis Technique Double tag measurements Tagged D(s) with hadronic decay modes muon identification Absent of isolated photons Reconstruction of missing mass square →0
Measurement of f Ds
Precision of f D(s) (1) Major Uncertainty
Precision of f D(s) (2) Great improvement after BESIII
Semileptonic decay and CKM Matrix p D(s) Form Factor
Measurement of CKM at BESIII Good performance of BESIII detector e/π/μ identification mass resolution Extract |V cd |, |V cs | Form factor shape and normalization Γ(q 2 ) describe the contribution of form factor, it was calculated from lattice QCD. The shape of form factor are helpful to theory. Extract the ratio of |V cd /V cs | Extract |V ub | from B physics →Theory
Analysis Technique Hadronic tag PID U miss Signal Background (GeV/c)
Precision of Branching Ratio of D 0, D + Semileptonic Decay PrecisionNowBESIII D 0 →K lν ~4.4%<1% D0→πlνD0→πlν ~17%<2% D + →K lν ~12%<2%
Precision of CKM Form factor term ΔΓ/Γ , come from theory (Lattice QCD). Supposing ΔΓ/Γ ~3%, BESIII will get
Form Factors From semileptonic decay of charm meson, dN/dq 2 will provide information on form factors (under studying)
Physics Beyond Standard Model D 0 D 0 Mixing at ψ(3770) In SM, mixing is very small(10 -6 ). BESIII is sensitive to Possible to measure the phase shift CP violation in charm decays SM predicts the A CP may be as big as BESIII is sensitive to A CP >10 -2 Rare Charm Decay
D 0 D 0 Mixing D 0 decays as D 0 Separate Mixing from DCS
Mixing Phenomenology(1) Like the K 0 K 0 mixing, constructing D S and D L
Experimental Situation x y x and y are in the orders of ─10 -1
Mixing Phenomenology(2) DCS Mixing CF Measuring the Asymmetry of CP eigenstate (K + K - (+), K s ρ 0 (-) …) Supposing CP violation is small Possible to measure the phase shift
Mixing at ψ(3770) The D 0 and D 0 are produced coherently in J PC =1 -- state DCSD (Double Cabbibo Suppressed Decay) contribution is 0 at ψ(3770) D 0 produced ~at rest, cannot measure ΔΓ (y) directly by using lifetime difference Useful for measuring r D
Experimental Searching for D 0 D 0 Mixing Big challenge to PID (Kπchannel) Main backgrounds come from the double miss-PID Searching in semi-leptonic decay modes are experimental difficulty with 2 missing neutrino (hard to reduce background contribution to ) Monte Carlo study with different PID (TOF resolution)
Detection efficiency vs TOF resolution
Background rates vs TOF resolution
Probing New Physics to r D ~10 -4 The detection efficiency is ~40%, ~20K events with D 0 →K + π - are expected to be found in 5fb -1 ψ(3770) data The background contamination rate is 0.1─0.5x10 -4 while the TOF resolution varies from 65ps to 100ps BESIII is sensitive to for the mixing rate if the TOF resolution is designed to be around 100ps.
CP Violation at ψ(3770) Suppose Both D 0 decay to CP eigenstate f 1 and f 2. Any oberservations of CP( f 1 )=CP( f 2 ) at ψ(3770) are the direct evidence of CP Violation Several hundreds events with 100% CP eigenstate will be found in 5fb -1 ψ(3770) data. The sensitivity of direct CP violation is A CP ~10 -2 ─10 -1
Rare Charm Decay The Up limit for most modes listed above are estimated in the range of ─10 -5, will update PDG data.
Summary BESIII contributes to charm physics on Precision absolute branching ratio of charm mesons (<1% for D, <2% for Ds) Precision decay constants (2~3%) Precision CKM Matrix (<2%) Sensitive to r D ~10 -4 for mixing Sensitive to A CP ~10 -2 ─10 -1 for CP violation Set the up limit of branching ratio for most rare charm decays to ─10 -5 range And more, more,……
Comparison of BES3, CLEO-c and B-factories On Charm physics topics Measurement B-factoriesCLEO-cBES3 —20041yr (2~3)%~0.6%<1% (3~5)%~0.7%<1% (5~10)%~1.9%<2% >10%~2.3%~3% (6~9)%~1.7%~2.5% Major ErrorSys.Stat. * D/Ds cross section over estimated by a factor of 2 this number need confirming
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