Launch of the Cheonjeongho (Boat of Heaven) Yeosu, Korea, February (1.15)
Father and Mother arrive for the launch ceremony
The ILC participants were treated as honored guests with front-row seats
Raimoundous (Lithuania) and Konstantin (Russia) appreciate the atmosphere
Entertainment from well known Korean drama actors and singers
All the way from Westchester to Yeosu … Phyllis Kim, Mike Balcomb and Tom Walsh
Welcome remarks from Dr. Sun Jo Hwang, President of UPF Korea
Kook Jin Moon, president of the Tongil Group, greets the crowd of several thousand.
Explanation of the NC (number controlled) by Kyung Joon Lee of Master Marine
The negative NC resin mold cuts production time in half. Father is registering the patent himself.
Father listens intently to the report
Mother read the first half of the speech as Father followed along
The weather was cold, but at least the sun rain stopped in time for the ceremony.
The Korean Media were in full attendance for an event that should greatly impact the region
Launch of the Cheonjeongho (Boat of Heaven) Yeosu, Korea, February (1.15)
Hyung Jin Nim and True Parents make their way to the boat for a maiden voyage
Some of the ILC team that spent one week in Yeosu at Father’s personal invitation
The Cheonjeongho is about the same size as the New Hope but twice as fast, more than 40 knots