Economic and Social Rights from A Feminist Political Economy Perspective: An introduction Savi Bisnath, PhD International Consultant Visiting Scholar, ICM Cornell University
Human Rights Instruments What are Human Rights Human rights are universal legal guarantees protecting individuals and groups against actions and omissions that interfere with fundamental freedoms, entitlements and human dignity.
Human Rights Instruments Human Rights Are: Interrelated Interdependent Indivisible Expressed and Guaranteed by law Implies Obligations
Human Rights Instruments Key UN Treaties International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) – ratified by South Africa in 2015 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
Human Rights Instruments Examples The right to just and favourable working conditions The right to adequate food, housing and social security The right to education The right to the highest attainable standard of health Freedom of association, expression, assembly and movement Freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention The right to a fair trial Freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home or correspondence Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment Freedom from slavery
Human Rights Instruments Human Rights Obligations The duty to respect The duty to protect The obligation to fulfil
Human Rights Instruments Human Rights Principles Accountability, Participation and Transparency governments are obliged to provide mechanisms through which citizens can hold the State accountable, participate in policy-making, and access information required to do so.
Human Rights Instruments On Participation Ensuring national stakeholders have real ownership and control over development From a human rights perspective, participation goes well beyond mere consultation or a technical add-on to project design. Rather, participation should be viewed as fostering critical consciousness and decision-making as the basis for active citizenship.
Human Rights Instruments Human Rights Approach During analysis and subsequently through all stages of decision-making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, processes should be transparent and participatory.
Human Rights Instruments Human Rights Approach Building the capacity of prime actors to engage in dialogue, meet their own responsibilities and hold the State accountable;
Human Rights Instruments Human Rights Approach Programming is directed to supporting States in identifying the root causes of the non-realization of human rights, structural causes, and addressing them.
Human Rights Instruments Small Group – 30 minutes From a feminist perspective analyze one issue, such as decent jobs, and provide context specific recommendations to the government for promoting the realisation of women’s human rights.
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