Mark Thomson University of Cambridge WP6: L1Calo Upgrade
This Talk Mark Thomson2UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Introduction: L1Calo now L1Calo Upgrade Plans Towards Phase 1 Phase 2 Design UK Work / Highlights / Plans /Milestones Simulation Firmware Phase 2 conceptual design High speed technology demonstrator Phase 2 demonstrator slice Organisation Summary
Mark Thomson3UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Features of current L1Calo receives analogue signals from LAr and Tile Calorimeters input trigger towers: 0.1 × 0.1 in ( ) Digitisation and Bunch-crossing ID (BCID) performed in PPMs EM Clusters (e.g. electrons/photons and taus) and Jet triggers formed independently (in CPs and JEP) Output = counts above thresholds + RoIs ❶ Introduction: L1Calo now
Mark Thomson4UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 What can be done to upgrade trigger from physics perspective ? ❷ Upgrading L1Calo EM Triggers longitudinal sampling from LAr may help higher transverse granularity information may help needs study – we don’t yet know what is most useful only available with new Calorimeter readout at Phase 2 Jets not limited by trigger tower granularity – so no help here but would like to separate jets cleanly from EM triggers can be done in CMM++ ~2013 shutdown Topology correlate RoIs to pick out physics signatures e.g. ✔ ✖ Phase 1 topological processor (also in Phase 2)
Mark Thomson5UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Phase-I: CMM++ CMM++ (MSU responsibility) Replacement for current merger modules (CMMs) Need to run backplane at 160 MHz Modern FPGA provides processing power Receives output of Cluster and Jet processors Backward compatible (provides existing trigger signals) + resolve overlap of EM and Jet triggers + potential for limited topological processing CMMCMM++
Mark Thomson6UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Phase-I: TP Topological Processor (interest of Mainz and UK) Receives input from CMM++ Single ATCA crate “State-of-the-art FPGA”-based topological processing Should include signals from L1Muon TP Jet / E T (JEP) 0.2 x 0.2 E/ /had clusters (CP) 0.1 x 0.1 Pre- Processor (PPr) Analog tower sums (0.1 x 0.1) Jets Clusters To CTP Energy results to CTP? Muons Further physics studies needed to demonstrate full impact of TP
Mark Thomson7UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Current Vision for Phase 2 Latency impact on Phase 2 design… 3.2 s latency insufficient for track trigger, needs seeding ~6 s Current favoured solution is a two stage system L0 and L1 Level 0 (Major UK focus) low latency “traditional” real-time trigger system technologically challenging input to L0Calo goes digital (LAr and Tile) includes Topo processing + muons send RoIs to region-based track trigger L0 accept at ~500 kHz Level 1 (to be defined) includes calorimeter, muon and track trigger might run asynchronously higher latency possibility of HLT-like algorithms with track-based RoIs Replacement of entire L1Calo system Driven by physics needs + replacement of Calo electronics analogue digital input to trigger
Mark Thomson8UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Phase 2: Level 0/1 Strawman M. Landon, ACES workshop System might look something like…
Upgrade Schedule CMM++ Installation/commissioning during 2013 shutdown Integral part of Phase 1 upgrade Phase 1 Topological processor Ready by 2015 or before Physics case still needs to be established Phase 2 Slice Develop in parallel with CMM++ and TP Need to coordinate closely with LAr / Tile Full Phase 2 System Fully tested/partially commissioned system by start of 2021 shutdown Precise institute responsibility for Phase 1/Phase 2 upgrades not yet fully established – discussions ongoing
❸ UK Work / Highlights / Plans Mark Thomson10UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Soft Firm Hard ① Simulation Understand L1Calo at high luminosity Strong focus on defining design requirements ② Firmware Significant firmware needed at all stages CMM++/Phase 1/Phase 2 Essential part of programme ③ Hardware High speed 5-10 GHz demonstrator System Design Phase 2 demonstrator slice
① Simulation/Design Studies Mark Thomson11UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Milestones High Level Aims Detailed understanding of L1Calo at High Luminosities Evolution of the performance of current system? Benefits of topological processing? Physics-based design requirements for Phase-II system DescriptionDateStatus M6.1Understand impact of pile-up3/2011~complete M6.2Understand topological triggers9/2011starting M6.3Physics based Phase 2 requirements3/2013not started DescriptionDateRevised Detailed understanding of current system at high L3/20116/2011 Understand physics impact of upgrade options6/2012 Deliverables
Mark Thomson12UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 A lot of progress over last year very much UK driven ! went back to basics rather than simply running existing ATLAS software unsurprisingly (nobody had looked in detail before) many “features” uncovered Now starting to understand performance of L1Calo at high luminosity one deep-down (Geant 4 ?) feature still being studied first results presented at Oxford ATLAS upgrade meeting Simulation: Recent Progress
Mark Thomson13UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Starting to understand current L1Calo trigger at high luminosities still caveats – results should be considered preliminary looked at evolution of trigger threshold corresponding to a fixed rate budget of 20 kHz rate e.g. EM Triggers (electrons) e.g. Different MC Settings – under investigation General features understood EM triggers dominated by single physics object ~ logarithmic evolution of threshold reflects underlying p T distribution in single minimum bias events
Mark Thomson14UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 For 0.4 x 0.4 jets still dominated by single minimum bias events Jets at High Luminosity For 0.8 x 0.8 jets dominated by “pile-up”, thresholds increase more rapidly 4x48x8
Mark Thomson15UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Current estimates (remember still preliminary) Single RoI Thresholds Trigger1x10 34 cm -2 s -1 3x10 34 cm -2 s -1 EM ~ 25 – 35 GeV ~ 35 – 45 GeV EM Isolated ~ 20 – 30 GeV ~ 30 – 40 GeV Jet 0.4x0.4 ~ 40 – 60 GeV ~ 50 – 80 GeV Jet 0.8x0.8 ~ 40 – 70 GeV~ 100 – 130 GeV Note: triggers only becomes fully efficient ~10 GeV above notional threshold Need full study of impact on physics, but already… Thresholds are high Motivates clear need for upgrade at both Phase 1 and Phase 2
② Firmware Mark Thomson16UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Milestones High Level Aims Provide essential firmware for ongoing upgrade programme (UK has the core firmware expertise within L1Calo) Modifications to current system required for CMM++ Firmware for demonstrator slice DescriptionDateStatus M6.4Operation CPM internal links at 80MHz6/2012 Deliverables Nothing explicitly stated (perhaps should be) Timescale depends on precise CMM++ schedule
Recent Progress UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/201117Mark Thomson Current CMM modules will be replaced with CMM++ (2013 shutdown) Requires more data to be shipped around current system Significant firmware modifications: Running backplane at 160 MHz (4 x current) demonstrated Running CPM (internal links) at 80 MHz (2 x current) signal integrity demonstrated Significant extensions to internal data formats have two options – depends on physics requirements Increased FPGA processing spare capacity demonstrated
③ Hardware/System Design Mark Thomson18UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Milestones High Level Aims Full system design of L1Calo Phase 1 and 2 upgrades Builds on simulation design studies Build high speed technology demonstrator Build first stage of Phase 2 demonstrator slice Early connection to Calorimeter digital readout DescriptionDateStatus M6.5Conceptual design for Topo processor9/2011descope M6.6Conceptual design for Phase 2 system3/2013Started M6.7Construction of Phase 2 demonstrator3/2013Started design DescriptionDateRevised Full definition of Phase 1 and 2 L1Calo systems3/2013 ATCA-based high-speed hardware demonstrator3/2013 Deliverables
UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Progress: conceptual design 19Mark Thomson A lot of progress in developing strawman Phase 2 conceptual design Very much UK led Considerations Latency, data volumes, needs of track trigger Two stage system (level 0 and level 1)
UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 L0Calo (feature extraction): Find EM, Tau, Jet objects and E T sums every BC Insufficient bandwidth/latency to use full Calorimeter readout Assuming “mini-tower” + some depth/transverse information details need simulation studies L0Topo: Topological processor: merge L0Calo & L0Muon results L1Calo: Running asynchronously? Refinement of L0Calo using full calorimeter data Implementation of HLT-like algorithms at this stage exactly what this means is an open question Processor-based rather than pipelined real-time system ? L1Topo: Final topological processor for L1Calo, L1Muon & L1Track L0 & L1 CTP: Final trigger decisions, interface with detectors Phase 2: Functionality/Assumptions 20Mark Thomson
High Speed Demonstrator Mark Thomson21UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Data volumes at Phase 2 luminosities will be high Regardless of details, will require state-of-the-art high speed system operating at 5 – 10 GHz Very limited experience in HEP in operating at these speeds High frequency dielectric behaviour of PCBs Propagation over signal rise time ~ few mm Inter symbol interference (ISI) bit response depends on signal history need adaptive equalisation A new level of channel simulation time domain + statistical analysis 10 GHz = battling against Maxwell First step is high speed demonstrator ATCA backplane + modern FPGA (Virtex 6) Simple data source/sink Gain expertise in industry standard systematic methodology Essential to build up this expertise
Mark Thomson22UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 L1Calo Phase 2 upgrade will need to be ready with commissioned system at start of long “phase 2” shutdown ~2020/2021 Will be more complex than current system L1Calo planning full phase 2 demonstrator slice (UK led initiative) L1Calo Phase 2 Slice In this grant period UK plans to develop L0 Calo FEX demonstrator Major part of “L1” trigger upgrade cutting edge high speed real time system builds on high speed demonstrator R&D Direct connection to digital calorimeter readout “low risk” – independent of final Phase 2 design development is prerequisite for L0Topo Need further discussions within L1Calo
Mark Thomson23UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Phase 2 Slice LAr and TileCal intend to install a few prototype digital boards on detector (with backward compatible output) Use as input to L0Calo FEX demonstrator gain early experience in dealing with Phase 2 like digital signals early connection minimizes technical risk for final system possibility of test beam calorimeter slice has been raised… Insufficient band-width and latency to use full calo readout for L0 Hence still require summation of cells into “mini-towers” Physics should drive the details (needs simulation) Depth information ? Transverse segmentation in LAr 0.1 × 0.1 vs. ??? Extra bits giving fine detail ? vs. Design issues:
Mark Thomson24UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Topological Processor TP in Original UK Proposal UK to construct major fraction of Phase 1 TP ~2013/2014 TP in Descoped UK Proposal Delay in approval/reduction in resources: descoped UK ambition In discussion with PPRP, focus moved more to Phase 2, with idea that Phase 2 TP might be prototyped in Phase 1 Depends on simulation of physics impact + Phase 2 concept TP international Context Mainz interested in Phase 1 TP based on GOLD demonstrator Current UK position Ultimate balance of UK contribution to Phase 1 & Phase 2 TP and L0Calo depends on: balance of resources across L1Calo R&D – simulation/demonstrators/Phase 2 design Current UK programme addresses relevant R&D issues High speed demonstrator/slice test: necessary first steps
❹ WP6 Management Management Overall WP6 management: MT WP6 engineering project manager: Ian Brawn Regular UK L1Calo upgrade meetings roughly every six weeks meet in person (rotate between RAL/B’ham/Camb/QM) provides effective forum for UK-centric L1Calo upgrade effort International Context discussion of institute L1Calo upgrade responsibilities ongoing details do not impact our work plan for current grant period Project planning (see next two slides) maintain gantt chart for current (approved) project also “strawman” for entire L1Calo upgrade – useful sanity check Mark Thomson25UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011
Gantt: Current Grant Mark Thomson26UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011
Strawman Gantt for overall project Mark Thomson27UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 Also maintain gantt based on current best estimate of L1Calo upgrade programme Despite uncertainties – useful sanity check
Mark Thomson28UK ATLAS Upgrade Review, RAL, 10/5/2011 We have a well focused UK R&D programme concentrating on the core aspects of L1Calo upgrade Simulation: physics driven specification of upgrade requirements Firmware: immediate upgrades needed CMM++ Design : conceptual design of Phase 2 system Hardware: high speed technology demonstrator Hardware: first part of Phase 2 slice (L0Calo FEX) ❺ Summary Have clear programme of work up until Q By end of current grant will be in position to move from R&D phase to full project