PHYSICS 1101 F/A -22 RAPTOR Brady Carlisle Ally Mullins
OVERVIEW ● The F/A-22 is the United States most deadly operational fighter. ● The "F/A" designates the Raptor as a "fighter" and an "attack" aircraft ● Capable of holding 13 tons(26,000 lbs.) of jet fuel! ● Weighs nearly 20 tons, not including fuel(as mentioned above) or bombs! (That is roughly the weight of 9 cars.) ● 62 feet long and has a wingspan of 44.5 feet ● Can travel 2 times the speed of sound ● Gets 0.4 MPG
INNOVATIONS IN F/A-22 The F/A-22 is the first American fighter aircraft with the ability to supercruise(fly at supersonic speeds) ● Can reach Mach 1.8- over 1.5 times the speed of sound ● Engines- can fly faster for longer periods of time, reaching far-off targets faster than other jets, and can carry more bombs in place of extra fuel. ● Jet engine- the nozzle is the first vectoring nozzle. That means the pilot can move, or vector, the nozzle up and down by 20 degrees. ● Stealth capabilities ● Can shoot down enemy before enemy knows it is there ● Information- the cockpit is designed to show information in a simplistic yet informative way, and has been described as like playing a video game.
STEALTH CAPABILITY: RADAR ● Radar works by sending radio waves out from an antenna and collecting the waves that bounce back from any objects ● An airplane appears as a blip on a radar screen- larger aircrafts have larger blips. ● If the radio waves are deflected or absorbed so they don't return to the radar antenna, then the airplane is effectively invisible. ● It is so stealthy that it appears to be the size of a bumblebee when detected by radar, even though it is more than 62 feet long and has a wingspan of 44.5 feet. ● Curved surfaces and other design tricks to deflect radar waves in unexpected patterns ● Thick paint that can absorb radar waves instead of reflect them
STEALTH CAPABILITIES: OTHER ● Tracking the heat from jet engines is another common way to identify airplanes ● Blocking infrared emissions can fool a heat seeking missile ● Horizontal fins at the rear of the aircraft make the plane more maneuverable and act as a shield for the engine exhaust heat. ● F/A-22 can carry missiles inside the fuselage ● The F-15 and F-16 can only carry missiles under the wings, where they can reflect radar waves and make the plane much more visible.
DEFENSE ● Radar warning receiver ● Missile-launch detector ● Countermeasures to heat/radar seeking missiles: flares to confuse heat seekers, small pieces of reflective material to disperse radar waves and confuse a radar-guided missile's tracking system ● Also, the radar can jam enemy electronics systems and communicate voice and data information over a secure link.
CITATIONS ● specifications.html specifications.html ● ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAmoVChMI0p7Rgr7eyAIViuMm Ch1EPgUr&biw=1920&bih=955#imgrc=3dVaeB0MxDtfmM%3A ms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAmoVChMI0p7Rgr7eyAIViuMm Ch1EPgUr&biw=1920&bih=955#imgrc=3dVaeB0MxDtfmM%3A