Today’s Sermon: Mark 11:22-33: “Jesus Teaches Lessons On Faith To Disciples Then Has His Authority Questioned By Chief Priests & Scribes” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp
Outline of today’s msg: 1. Jesus teaches 3 important principles about believing prayer: A. You can command a mountain to be taken up and removed into the sea. B. Whatever you pray believing you will receive. C. You must forgive others if you want your prayers answered. 2. Some scribes and priests question Jesus about His authority to do the things He does.
Mark 11:22-23: Jesus tells His disciples to have faith and that if they believe they can cast say to a mountain to be taken up and cast into the sea
Faith is a huge key in the life of God’s people
If prayer means speaking to God, then technically Jesus is not speaking directly about prayer in this first lesson.
There is a type of “faith movement” faith that considers that the Christian may go anywhere and name and claim whatever he wants in faith, but God’s word states that He answers prayer according to His will: Matthew 6:9-10, John 15:7, 1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:14-15
What is the “mountain” a symbolic for?
Jesus does not limit this promise to any disciple or group of disciples, not even the twelve.
Mark 11:24: Whatever we ask for in prayer we are to believe that we will receive
Mark 11:25-26: We must forgive anyone we have anything against if we want to be forgiven of our sins
Mark 11:27-33: Some priests and scribes come to Jesus and question where He received His authority to do the things He does
Initially, it may seem that Jesus’ asking these scribes and Pharisees whether John the Baptist’s baptism was from God was irrelevant
Four reasons why Jesus question was relevant to their question: 1. Prophets were verified only by the Lord. 2. John the Baptist testified of Jesus. 3. Jesus put them to the test. 4. The scribes, priests and Pharisees had refused to repent at the preaching of John the Baptist.
The scribes and Pharisees decide to declare that they didn’t know if John’s ministry was from God, therefore Jesus said that He would not tell them by what authority He operated.
Conclusions: 1. Have faith in God! 2. Command the mountains in our your life to be cast into the sea and believe your request will be granted. 3. Believe that your prayers will be answered whenever you pray. 4. Forgive anyone you have anything against just as God has forgive you such a huge amount.