SVQs in Food Manufacture Issues Arising from Verification Visits: 2010 - 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

SVQs in Food Manufacture Issues Arising from Verification Visits:

Thank You!...  For a very productive year and fruitful working partnership.  Your continuing support and cooperation are very much appreciated.

Focus This report relates to: G8RT 21 Level 1 Food Manufacture G8RR 22 Level 2 Food Manufacture: Production Control Skills G8RW Level 2 Food Manufacture: Distribution Skills G92L 22 Level 2 Food Manufacture: G92P 22 Level 2 Food Manufacture: Butchery Retail Skills G92R 23 Level 3 Food Manufacture: Specialist Meat & Poultry Skills

During the period 2010/2011, the following activities were undertaken:  Seven (7) verification visits to Centres  Two (2) Centre Approval  New Quality Assurance System (Pilot). A total of 68 portfolios were sampled:  Level 2: 58 portfolios and  Level 3: 10 portfolios.

Verification Visits Outcomes of EV Activities  Very successful  Good interactions between EVs, Centres, Assessors and IVs  No HOLD  Quality of candidates’ performance and levels of achievement are in line with the expected standards.

Verification Visits Findings (Good Practice and Innovations)  Raising learners’ awareness about plagiarism (This information forms part of the learners’ induction pack)  The use of innovative and diverse range of electronic/digital media for assessment and feedback. For example the use of digital media for: * evidencing learners’ performance and achievement * providing mediated feedback

Verification Visits Findings (Good Practice and Innovations)  learners: * reported experiencing difficulty with a particular question related to the statutory and legislative issues in Unit F2M904. * expressed an interest to progress to Level 3 Award. However, such a transition is not seamless as work at level 3 involves tasks that are role specific. That said, engagement with individual Units at Level learners provide valuable CPD for learners.

Verification Visits Findings (Aspects Needing Further Improvement)  Centres may wish to explore and develop ways to further promote increased uptake of SVQ Level 3 Awards  Assessors should endeavour to provide learners with feed forward i.e. comments, suggestions and pointers on how to further enhance their performance and future learning  Centres to diversify the range of CPD activities

Verification Visits Findings (Aspects Needing Further Improvement)  Centre to further improve record keeping of Assessors’ and IVs’ CPD activities  Documentation of CPD activities (robust, timely, accurate and forms part of the Master Folder)

Verification Visits Way Forward  Roll out of the new QA System by SQA over the next few years. The new system will contribute in further assuring and enhancing the quality of provision and the learner experience.

Thank You!...  For a good and productive year and working partnership.  For your support and cooperation.

Thank You!...  Questions and Answer End