Green Youth Citizens Sub-Action 3.2-Youth in the world.


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Presentation transcript:

Green Youth Citizens Sub-Action 3.2-Youth in the world

Parteneriat  Asociatia Tinerilor Formatori pentru Promovarea Dezvoltarii Rurale-Romania.  Asociacione Socioeducativa Llere-Spain  YAP Zonguldak-Turkey  Sambhawana-Nepal  Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers-India  Environment and Social Development- Bangladesh

Aim of the project  The main aim of the project is to raise awareness about environmental problems and how they confine us in the exercise of an active citizenship.

Objectives  To contribute to an increase on the awareness among young people to the themes of the training, hence an open dialogue will be created and mutual comprehension will be created, contributing to the promotion of solidarity and tolerance among young people from different countries  To share best practices among the different countries from Europe and Asia, promoting an active debate about them and creating activities to ensure the respect for environment.  To assure the access of young people and youth leaders to good practices examples in the field of environment protection.  To promote the active citizenship of the youth, through direct participation and development of the European citizenship sense.

Work plan  Establishing an efficient partnership- October 2013  Promoting the project to the local level- November 2013  Preparatory meeting-December 2013  Build an international network:Asia- Europa-December 2013-January 2014  Selection of participants for local workshops-December 2013-January 2014

Work plan  Preparation of participants for local workshops-January-February  Organising 2 local workshops-February- April 2014  Web page of the project-March- September 2014  Evaluation meeting: ,Istanbul(Turkey)

Work plan  Preparation of international training course- May-July 2014  International training course:20-27 July 2014,New Delhi(India)  Organising a local media campaign-August- September 2014  Final evaluation of the project-September 2014  Dissemination of results of the project- September 2014  Sustenability of the project-September 2014

Numbers  300 young people between years old participate in local workshops.  1000 young peoples participate in local activities.  30 members for Asia-Europa network.  3000 young people direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project.

Partner’s task  1.SAMBHAWANA:  - coordinates the project evaluation strategy.  2.OSVWSA:  - coordinates the strategy of assuring the project visibility.  3.ESDO:  - coordinates the strategy of assuring the project results dissemination.  4.YAP  - coordinates the methodology of organizing the training course.  5.ASL:  - coordinates the strategy of organizing a media campaign.

ATFPDR TASKS  Provides the project management and has the administrative responsibility in front of the Executive Agency. - Distributes the project financing in the partnership and ensure with partners the co-financing of the project. - Ensures the measures of protection and safety for the participants. - Facilitates the meetings of the participants with other young people, youth workers and youth leaders. - Ensures the international transport of the participants, their accommodation and meals during the transnational meetings. - Manages the project web page and of the transnational Europe- Asia network. - Ensures the multiplication and the distribution of the project results at the level of the partner communities. - Centralizes the project evaluation activity and the overall project evaluation. - Ensures the follow-up of the project and the project sustainability.

Selection of participants Criteria for selection: -young people aged years old - Equal number or girls and boys - - young people interested in voluntering in the support of environment protection. 1. Selection of the young people that will be part of the project management team. There will be selected based on the CVs and interviews, 2-3 young people which will be part of the project management team. 2. Selection of the young people that will participate in the two local workshops. This selection will be based on CV and an interview. 3. Selection of the young people that will participate in the international training. This selection will be based on CV and an interview.

Activities when young people will be involved  Launching of the project  Local workshops  International training course  Mediacampaign  Facebook of the project  Evaluation activities

Evaluation  Questionnaires  Discussions  Evaluation meeting

Visibility  Launching the project  Web page of the project  Facebook of the network  Flyers  Posters  12 newsletters  News in media

Results  the establishment of a Europe-Asia transnational networks of organizations active in the youth domain that will act as exchange of good practices in youth activities domain. 12 local workshops  2 international meetings  1 international training course  6 mediacampaigns

Products  Web page of the project  Facebook of the network  Training manual