The Solar System In this lesson you will learn about each Planet in The Solar System. By the end of the lesson you will know facts about each planets and what the planets look like. Make sure to take notes along with the PowerPoint. Samantha Eckstein
Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun It is visible to see from Earth If you were to visit mercury you would weigh less then you do on Earth This planet is also referred to as Morning Star Mercury has no moons
Venus Second closest planet from the Sun Venus and Earth are almost the exact same size they most commonly know for being Sister Planets. Hottest planet in the Solar System Venus has many volcanoes and is really dry Brightness planet in the solar system
Earth The planet we live on, the only planet to have live Earth is the third planets from the Sun The only planet that has liquid water on its surface Only pleats to have one large satellite The Earth has one moon named Luna
Mars The fourth planet from the Sun Often called the Red Planet Mars has seasons just like Earth Mars has two moons Second smallest planet in the solar system
Jupiter Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun The stormiest planet in the Solar System Is first of the gas giants Jupiter has a big red spot this is called the Eye of Jupiter Is the largest planet Jupiter has very faint rings
Saturn Saturn is the sixth closest planet to the Sun Saturn is well known for its rings, it has three rings Saturn has many moons Made mostly of hydrogen and helium Saturn spins faster than any other planet except Jupiter
Uranus Is the seventh closest planet from the Sun It is the coldest planets, sometimes called Ice Giant The rings on Uranus are made of black dust particles and large rocks Uranus has 27 moons Uranus has been visited by one space craft
Neptune The eight planet from the Sun and the farthest. The third largest planet Is the windiest planet Neptune has very thin rings The Solar System Video
Question One What is the fourth planet from the sun? Saturn Pluto Mars Earth
Question Two Which two planets are know for being Sister Planets? Earth and Mars Venus and Earth Venus and Neptune Neptune and Mars
Question Three Jupiter is…? The coldest planet The hottest planet The windiest planet The stormiest planet
Question Four Which planet has Seasons just like Earth?/ The Red Planet Ice Giant Morning Star A Sister Planet
Question Five How many moons does Uranus have? 3 21 17 27
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How did you do on the questions? If you had the correct answer for 0-2 questions. Looking over your notes and studying would help. If you had the correct answer for 3-4 questions, you did great. Make sure to keep studying If you had all of the answers correct you did amazing! Remember to look over your notes so you remember the information
Summary In this lesson you learned all about the planets. You learned the order the planets are from the sun. You saw pictures of the planets and learned what they look like in The Solar System. You learned information on each planet.