Continent line: Listening, speaking, writing. Standards: 1.1.2, 2.1.2, Chooses planets on pictures 2.1.2Compare their places and sizes in solar system can write the names of the planets Aim: -Students develop vocabulary and speaking –reading skills learning planets,solar system
The students will be able to: - recognise the planets -describe planets -speak on the topic “ Do you know planets" Integration:Literature:3.1.1,3.1.3 Classroom management: working with the whole class, group work. Task type: Brainstorming, Jigsaw reading,picture description Resources; book, computer, www. website
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Earth
Solar System Earth Mercury Venus Jupiter Uranus Neptune Pluto Mars Space Air to twinkle
1) What is the closest planet to the Sun? 2) What is the hottest planet? 3) What is the biggest planet? 4) What is the smallest planet? 5) What colour is Mars? 6) Which planet has got rings? 7) Why is the Earth very special?
Groups/ criteriaDescribes planets Compare planetsCan write name planets
Criteria Not yet -2 A bit-3Almost- 4Full-5 I can compare places and sizes I can describe planets I can say name planets Your success