Visual Communications Computers
Charles Babbage The analytical engine First described in 1837 Worked on until his death in 1871 Never really built Mechanical Essentially a “modern design” in that it used algorithms
Herman Hollerith Statistical tabulator Electrical device for completing calculations 1889 Hollerith combined his company with three others to form a company called the Computing Tabulating Recording Company Became IBM
ENIAC Electronic Numerator Integrator and Comparator Electronic computer using vacuum tubes Designed to calculate artillery trajectories 1946
UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer Designed for business applications Used by the U.S. Census Bureau 1950
First personal computer “SIMON”
ALTAIR 8800 Introduced in 1975 A kit computer designed to be assembled by hobbyists Used BASIC computer language ALTAIR BASIC was designed by Bill Gates and included with the machine
MICROSOFT Gates left Harvard to found Microsoft based on the success of BASIC Personal Computer Disk Operating System (PC-DOS) brought real success to Microsoft DOS allowed average users to operate the computer without knowing programming language
APPLE Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne Founded in 1976 Incorporated the graphical user interface (GUI)