MISPA PROCESS May 19-20, 2010 Meeting of Caribbean Academics and Experts on Public Security: Looking ahead towards MISPA III
The Origin In September 2007, the OAS Secretary General proposed to the Committee on Hemispheric Security of the OAS a new forum - the First Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security (MISPA I) In 2008 the OAS Permanent Council responded to that request by convening the MISPA I and Mexico offered to be the host country.
The MISPA I: process of preparation Preparatory Meetings – Inputs of Latin American Experts and Academics Santiago, Chile, November Organizations of Academics and Experts – Inputs of Caribbean Academics and Experts, Montego Bay, Jamaica, March 2008 – Crime and Violence, Perspectives of the Civil Society,Guatemala City, August 2008 – 16 Working Group Meetings within the OAS Committee on Hemispheric Security, Washington, DC, ( May through September 2008) MISPA I: Mexico City, Mexico, October 2008
MISPA I The General Secretariat undertook studies on: Public Security in Urban Conglomerates: Institutional Response in Latin America and the Caribbean Private Security: An answer to Public Security. Needs in Urban Centers? Police systems in Latin America National Public Policies Penitentiary and Prisons systems Criminal Information Systems Public Security in the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities
MISPA I - Political Declaration COMMITMENT TO PUBLIC SECURITY IN THE AMERICAS 5 main areas: – Public Security Management – Prevention of crime, violence and insecurity – Police Management – Citizen and Community Participation – International Cooperation
OAS General Secretariat’s Plan of Action The OAS General Secretariat has proposed a plan, based on six lines of work and three mechanisms for action to address the areas mentioned in the Political Declaration. 1. Offer guidance and advice for the development of legislative proposals, public policies, and institutional reforms 2. Provide technical support for the construction of reliable and comparable indicators 3. Adopt immediate policies for rehabilitation and social reintegration 4. Improve police training 5. Find ways to include the private sector 6. Strengthen collaboration with the mass media
3 Working mechanisms 1.Permanent mechanisms for meetings and consultation with governments on security issues MISPA I- Mexico, October 2008 Meeting of Experts, Uruguay, August 2009 MISPA II,Dominican Republic, November 2009; Meeting of Experts, Chile, November 2010 MISPA III, Trinidad and Tobago, Strengthen coordination between international institutions IACPV: IADB, PAHO, World Bank UN Habitat, CDC UNODC 3. Maintain permanent consultation mechanisms with civil society and the academic world
PROJECTS AND ONGOING RESEARCHES INFORMATION: Inter-American Observatory on Security- OIS POLICE TRAINING (PICAP) Inter-American Police Training Program - short training courses to promote horizontal exchange of experiences among police institutions. Executive Management Program on Public Security Aspires to train senior police officers and government officials responsible for public security management in an intensive multi- country management course
PROJECTS AND ONGOING RESEARCHES Project on Model Legislation on Public Security – train members of parliaments on the principal elements of a model legislation/ best ways to interact with the Executive and Judiciary PRIVATE SECTOR- Private Security Project PRISONS: Rehabilitation and social reinsertion program - Standardized Methodology for the monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs of rehabilitation and social reinsertion addressed to criminal offenders, based on their impact on criminal recidivism-University of Chile and Leicester University in the United Kingdom MEDIA- The OAS GS and the Inter-American Coalition for the Prevention of Violence (IACPV) is planning a meeting in Central American focused on the media and their role in preventing crime and violence.
MISPA II Process Preparatory Meetings: – Inter-American Specialized Conference on Public Security: Meeting of Experts in preparation for MISPA II, Montevideo, Uruguay 4-5 August, 2009 – Inputs from the Organizations of Civil Society for the Ministerial Process on Public Security, September 16-17, Lima, Peru – Informal Meeting with Police Representatives to discuss the feasibility study, Washington D.C., October 2009 – 2 Informative Session on Public Security within the OAS Committee on Hemispheric Security MISPA II, Dominican Republic, November 2009 Political Declaration: Consensus of Santo Domingo- – Forge ahead with the implementation of the “Commitment to Public Security in the Americas” – Institutionalize MISPA Process.
Next meetings Meeting of Experts, Santiago, Chile – end of 2010 MISPA III, Trinidad and Tobago, 2011