Lockman Hole (XMM PV) PN CCD (MPE Garching) MOS1 CCD (Leicester U) PN CCD (MPE Garching) MOS1 CCD (Leicester U) PV Observations ksec data 100 ksec low background B. Altieri (ESA) B. Altieri (ESA) M. Arnaud (CEA) M. Arnaud (CEA) X. Barcons (IFCA) X. Barcons (IFCA) J. Bergeron (ESO) J. Bergeron (ESO) H. Brunner (AIP) H. Brunner (AIP) M. Dadina (Bologna) M. Dadina (Bologna) K. Dennerl (MPE) K. Dennerl (MPE) P. Ferrando (CEA) P. Ferrando (CEA) A. Finoguenov (MPE) A. Finoguenov (MPE) R. Griffiths (CMU, co- chair) R. Griffiths (CMU, co- chair) Y. Hashimoto (AIP) Y. Hashimoto (AIP) G. Hasinger (AIP, chair) G. Hasinger (AIP, chair) D. Lumb (ESA) D. Lumb (ESA) K. Mason (MSSL) K. Mason (MSSL) S. Mateos (IFCA) S. Mateos (IFCA) R. McMahon (IoA) R. McMahon (IoA) T. Miyaji (CMU) T. Miyaji (CMU) M. Page (MSSL) M. Page (MSSL) F. Paerels (Columbia) F. Paerels (Columbia) P. Rosati (ESO) P. Rosati (ESO) A. Ptak (CMU) A. Ptak (CMU) T. Sasseen (UCSB) T. Sasseen (UCSB) N. Schartel (ESA) N. Schartel (ESA) G. Szokoly (AIP) G. Szokoly (AIP) J. Trümper (MPE) J. Trümper (MPE) M. Turner (Leicester) M. Turner (Leicester) B. Warwick (Leicester) B. Warwick (Leicester) M. Watson (Leicester) M. Watson (Leicester) PV Team
Colour Image keV keV keV PN+MOS1+MOS2
Comparison XMM/ROSAT XMM X-ray Colours ( keV) ROSAT HRI-PSPC (0.1-2 keV)
logN-logS XMM Chandra Giacconi et al. ROSAT fluctuations. ROSAT BeppoSAX fluctuations. ASCA
Very hard logN-logS (5-10 keV) XMM/BeppoSAX Gilli model
X-ray Diagnostics = logN H = New XMM sources are significantly harder than ROSAT sources, but mainly have absorbed, intrinsically soft continua => type-2 AGN !
6.4 keV restframe Kerr BH Inclination 15 o R i 5 R G R o 20 R G 11 22 Kerr Schwarz- schild
A surprise ! Inclination=45 o R i unconstrained R o 20 R G
High-redshift cluster Keck NIRPEC Thompson et al., 2000
Sample cluster spectra z=1.26 kT=5 keV z=0.26 kT=1.5 keV Constraints on Temperature and abundance possible for very high redshift or low luminosity
Cluster Luminosity/Temperature Relation Borgani, Tozzi, Rosati (2000) z=1.26 z=0.26
LH Optical/NIR coverage 30 arcmin V, I: CFHT 8K < 25.5 mag* R: Keck LRIS < 25 mag K: Calar Alto ‘ < 20 mag** (largest K-band survey at that mag) *courtesy G. Wilson, IfA **partially courtesy K. Meisenheimer (CADIS)
HRI PSPC 14Z K, I, V colour image Optical Identifications Keck LRIS + NIRC 84Z K, I, V colour image Schmidt et al., 1998; Lehmann et al., 2000
XMM optical IDs AGN type1 AGN type2 Cluster/group Star + unidentified XMM spectroscopy limit 1 f X /f opt = 1 Chandra/XMM limit EROs spectroscopy limit 1 f X /f opt = Photometric redshifts
Photometric Redshifts Courtesy: L. Pozzetti poor fit! V R I z J H K z=1.9 z=1.5 z=1.2 z=1.4
Colour Segregation AGN type 1 AGN type 2 Cluster/group Star + unidentified Ellipticals Sb-gal. Type 2 AGN show galaxy colours Photometric z techniques work QSO-2 at high redshift
Hardness vs. Colour EROs have hard X-ray spectra AGN HR1 HR
NGC 6240 QSO-2 Spectra NGC 6240 QSO average (Elvis et al.)
Summary ROSAT: first evidence of high-z QSO-2 XMM PV data substantially deeper than ROSAT deeper than published Chandra in 2-10 keV band Giacconi 2-10 keV logN-logS confirmed New: 5-10 keV logN-logS, consistent with XRB model high-quality spectral fits for ROSAT sources: unobscured power laws for type-1 AGN, obscured PL for type-2 tantalizing indication of relativistic disk lines at z=1 temperature determination of z=1.26 cluster new XMM sources are preferentially EROs EROs have hard X-ray spectra, therefore are AGN so far XMM+Chandra data are fully consistent with obscured AGN XRB model Watch this space !
Chandra obscured AGN Mushotzky et al., 2000 Large Balmer decrement [NeV] line => obscured AGN indicators Chandra findings are entirely consistent with the obscured AGN model for the X-ray background