November 16th, 2015 Arrwa Mogalli Howe Elementary Strategy Groups
What are strategy groups? How do teachers form strategy groups? What are the key components? What is the procedure for implementing a strategy group? What you can do at home with your child? This session is designed to explain:
Planned to be aligned to Common Core Standards 2-3 students per group 5-10 minutes long Flexible It is not about the book or the level. It’s about the strategy. Above level students do not have to be seen daily. Strategy Groups are…
Teachers review data choose a strategy. Data is selected from… Observations Classroom assessments District assessments State assessments How do we form Strategy Groups?
Procedure 1.Review and discuss the strategy 2.Model Teacher models new strategy or can use a student to model the strategy if it was previously taught. 3.Practice Students practice strategy with teacher support. Students practice without teacher guidance. 4.One on One
Strategy Group Video
What you can do at Home with your child? Retelling strategy Retelling Graphic Organizer Summarizing strategy Summary Graphic Organizer Upper Elementary Summary Graphic Organizer Lower Elementary
If you have any questions please feel free to or post a comment on my blog Thank you!