Descriptions Concrete Ideas Examples Vivid details Energetic Language Strong Voice Strong Tone Direct Address to Audience Interesting Topic WHAT MAKES WRITING EFFECTIVE?
RHETORICAL TRIANGLE Ethos (Credibility of the Writer Trust ) Pathos ( Appeal to Audience) Logos (Reasons, Arguments, Examples, Details)
Logos Is the thesis clear? Do you understand the author’s message? Is the thesis supported by facts, evidence, examples, descriptions, reasons and anecdotes? Is the essay organized in a way that makes sense? Can I follow it? Ethos How credible is the writer? Is the writer invested in this topic? Is the writer qualified to write about this subject? Is the writer authentic? Does the writer have a strong voice? Is the writer’s tone appropriate? Is the language effective? Are the sources reliable? Is the evidence believable? Is the essay polished? Pathos Does this writer make an emotional appeal? Does the writer engage you as a reader? Does the writer help me care about the subject? Does the writer appeal to my beliefs? LOGOS~PATHOS~ETHOS
Becoming an Active reader takes practice. Read an essay at least Twice. Make Connections to the text. Respond. Ask Questions. Make Associations. Make inferences. Agree. Disagree. Summarize What reading strategy do you apply when reading? WHAT TYPE OF READER AM I?
For each essay we read, you will write a succinct summary and one question for discussion. These will be collected and counted as HW. A summary should be only 2-4 lines. It should convey, in a nutshell, the main idea of the essay. A discussion question should move past the obvious. It should ask us to analyze, probe or connect an idea presented in the essay. SUMMARIZING Summary: In “Disablity,” Mairs suggests… Question? Is Mairs right when she says that disability…
Essay One: Narrative Essay Essay Two: Comparative Essay Essay Three: Process Analysis Essay Essay Four: Argument / Persuasion Essay For each essay, you will submit a Proposal about two weeks prior to the due date. It will tell me your proposed topic, your working thesis idea and your intended audience for the essay. WHAT TYPES OF ESSAYS WILL WE WRITE IN THIS CLASS?
Introduction: Your hook Thesis: Central Idea that you’re presenting in this essay. Body Paragraph Conclusion: Leave your reader satisfied. ORGANIZATION OF AN ESSAY Building An Essay Brick by Brick
Start with an Idea Plan your essay: Subject, Purpose & Audience Formulate a Working Thesis Prewrite Brainstorm, Freewrite, Graphic Organizers etc. Draft Just do it; Get your Ideas Out Revise Reread, Topic Sentences? Enough Details? Stronger Thesis? Put yourself in the mind of your reader. Edit Proofread, Check Spelling, Reread for Clumsy Phrasing Read your essay out loud. HOW TO WRITE AN ESSAY