Confucius (Kung Fu-Tzu)* (551-479 BC) *Family name = Kung (Kong) Personal name = Zhong-ni Kung Fu-Tzu (Kong Fu-zi) = “Master Kung” “Confucius” = Latinization.


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Presentation transcript:

Confucius (Kung Fu-Tzu)* ( BC) *Family name = Kung (Kong) Personal name = Zhong-ni Kung Fu-Tzu (Kong Fu-zi) = “Master Kung” “Confucius” = Latinization of “Kung Fu-Tzu”

Historical backdrop:Confucius' China Confucius lived in the “warring states” period of China. Wandering warlords of little virtue were overthrowing legitimate kings. He was concerned about where his society was going; leaders weren’t caring well for society. Petty wars were constantly erupting. Society was emphasizing less education, writing, the arts. Families were in discord. Peasants were being unjustly burdened with heavy taxes to support their own life of luxury. Confucius worked his way up through government posts until age 50. He retired in frustration and began 30 years of teaching, which he saw as transmitting old wisdom from the sage kings). He did not see it as innovation, he was renewing age old values in a spirit of conservative renewal.

The 5 Chinese Classics I Ching (Book of Changes) The Book of Rites The Book of Poetry The Spring & Autumn Annals The Analects Some add Mencius’ (a later disciple of Confucius) The Great Learning and The Doctrine of the Mean. Taoist: the oldest writings. Source: Lao Tzu Believed to be edited by Confucius Believed to be written by Confucius

Filial Piety (Xiao, Hsiao) (devotion to & reverence for parents & family) The institution of the family is the foundation of a well-ordered & civilized society (grounded mainly on respect of children for parents) Respect for age (experience & wisdom) Confucian ethics / Li, continued

Li - Propriety (proper conduct) The Rectification of Names (Zheng-ming) (proper use of language) The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) The Five Constant Relationships: ◦ parent-child ◦ husband-wife ◦ elder sibling-younger sibling ◦ elder friend-younger friend ◦ ruler-subject Confucian ethics, continued

1. Confucian beliefs start with human experience and immediate human relationships: family, work and station in life. The main goal in Confucian thought is to live a moral and responsible and fruitful life within this context. 2. Education: learn your past, your culture, your history, great heroes, sages. 3. Cultivate goodness and good practice. Become a Chuntzu: a good role model. Lead by example. 4 Ritual. that shows respect for ancestors and others in societal roles. “He who does not know the rites, cannot make his stand.”. 5. Don’t lead society by force or fear ; use example, ritual, and encouraging. (Ideally, we would need no laws: very optimistic).

Confucianism (550 BC) Humanism: a term from the European renaissance/reformation that states that man should be the center of our view of the world (not God). Confucianism is essentially humanistic: human relationships are the key to virtue, happiness, a good life and a good society. Li = the rules of social order. No li, no peace. The mandate of heaven = how things are meant to be. Rulers must win the mandate of heaven. Lose it and they will fail, the kingdom will suffer and fall from power Confucianism has a positive view of human nature. It just has to be nurtured properly. How? 1. The Rectification of Names 2. The 5 Great Relationships 3. Ritual 4. Education The Grand Harmony

The ancient State of Lu That’s where Confucius was born & spent most of his life. Anthem

Confucianism originated in China, but its influence spread to Korea & Japan over the centuries.

Confucius claimed to derive his teachings from “the Ancients,” whose wisdom is embodied in “The Five Classics” (Wu Jing) The I Jing (“Book of Changes”) The Shu Jing (“Book of History”) The Shih Jing (“Book of Odes” [poetry]) The Li Ji (“Book of Rites”) The Ch’un-ch’iu (“Spring & Autumn Annals”) The primary sources of Confucian philosophy

Confucius’s primary goal: order, harmony, peace, & happiness in this life here on earth He had only a secondary interest in “transcendental” salvation, and avoided speculating about the gods, heaven, the nature of the soul and the creation of the world.