PISCES Workshop 2: Formulating Guidelines Partnership Involving Stakeholders in the Celtic Sea EcoSystem
Project goal To translate the Ecosystem Approach from policy to practice through a model than can be replicated in the EU and beyond.
We aim to: Influence Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation Create an opportunity for stakeholders to demonstrate acceptable guidelines Develop strength in a common voice
The PISCES approach Practical guideline production Stakeholder-led Multi-sectoral Regional and multi-country Flagship project A surprisingly unique approach
Celtic Sea sub-region Where are we working?
Outputs of the first workshop Multi-sector, multi-national group convened Ecosystem Approach (EA) definitions Benefits and challenges Spatial tools Related projects (maximise synergies) Listening & responding to stakeholders…
PISCES response to the first workshop (1) Working definition of Ecosystem Approach : “The Ecosystem Approach is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way” (Convention on Biological Diversity) This includes people, their activities and institutions
Ecosystem Approach definition Short definition of Ecosystem Approach : “Sustaining Benefits – For All – For Ever”
PISCES response to the first workshop (2) Clarity on project purpose Online tutorials/seminars Internet, intranet, newsletter & more
PISCES responses to the first workshop (3) Links with related projects : KnowSeas, MEFEPO, MESMA, Finding Sanctuary, Arc Manche, UN Global Forum, World Ocean Council… Advisory boards Share materials Desk study on related stakeholder projects
PISCES responses to the first workshop (4) Dialogue with European Commission Dialogue with National Governments (Ireland, UK, France, Spain) Dialogue with OSPAR, ICES, RACs, North Sea Commission, UNEP
Unpacking guidelines Hierarchy – Principle/objectives/action plans ‘Strawman’ to explore principles But PISCES is stakeholder-led Planning this workshop
Purpose of this workshop Agree principles First draft of guidelines (cross-sectoral & Celtic Sea) Get your ideas and inputs - vision Move forward – enable different speeds & roles Workshop objectives
Looking beyond this workshop Involving non-attendees Refine guideline drafts Involve Advisory Group Sectoral positions & responses Review by 300 wider stakeholders
Looking beyond this workshop Third workshop – tuning guidelines Not just a word exercise – testing & proving
Project timeline May 2010: Launch event May 2010: Workshop 1: Understanding the Ecosystem Approach (UK) Sep 2010: Tutorial: Marine Spatial Planning (online) Oct 2010: Tutorial: Marine policy (online) Nov 2010: Workshop 2: Formulating guidelines 1(Ireland) April 2011: Workshop 3: Formulating guidelines 2(France) Sept 2011: Additional event Dec 2011: Final guidelines produced Feb/Mar 2012: Final event to launch guidelines