Active Travel inverness Neil Young, Transport Planning Team, The Highland Council
National Cycle Network
NCN 1, 7 & 78 North Sea Cycle Route
Inverness – Cycling Statistics
28 out of 29 schools in Inverness have Travel Plans already, with the remaining school working on theirs! Supporting Active Travel in our Schools
Inverness Campus (UHI)/ Golden Bridge
Inverness Campus – Retail Park Bridge Link in development
Inverness Campus - Millburn Road Cycle Corridor
Millburn Road Cycle Counter
Huntly Street (River Ness Flood Alleviation Scheme) BeforeAfter
Caledonian Canal
Inverness Royal Academy During After
Cycle Parking
Cycling Facilities
Velocity – Workshop and Outreach Events
Cycling Events
Inverness Positive Press!
…Looking to the Future More Partnership Working
Thank you for listening!