4th Annual IICWG Meeting Klaus Strübing Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Hamburg BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/ April 2003, AARI, St. Petersburg - Russia
K. Strübing: 4th Annual IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, Klaus Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 Content Introduction Present Activities Future Requirements Recommendations
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, International Ice Charting Working Group BSIM-Report 4 th Meeting, April 7-10, 2003 Annex 1 AARI, St Petersburg, Russia Main results of the 20 th Baltic Sea Ice Meeting in Riga (Sept 2000) Exchange of ice information products between the Ice Services routinely also by , in addition to telefax. In case the time critical criteria are met, telefax transmission will be discontinued from the 2001/02 season. Issue of a revised new edition of the brochure ”The Baltic Sea Ice Code of 1980”. Additional data sets on ice conditions in the Baltic are to be developed and made available to the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank in Boulder, U.S.A., and St. Petersburg, Russia. Recommendation of colour coding for ice charts and representation of sea ice in electronic nautical charts. Linking of all national Ice Service addresses on the Internet and, from the next ice season, presentation of all Baltic Sea Ice Services on a common Web page with the first products offered free of charge to the general public. Date and place for the 21 st Baltic Sea Ice Meeting: autumn 2003 in Helsinki
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg,
Maximum Ice Extent in the Baltic Sea (
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, NOAA/AVHRR-Quicklook (Ch 1)
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, NOAA/AVHRR-Quicklook (MS)
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, N-16, , 11:15 UTC
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg,
BSH Ice Chart for the northern region of the Baltic Sea
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, Weekly mosaic of NOAA/AVHRR thermal infrared data of the Baltic Sea outlining sea surface temperature and ice cover
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, Weekly mosaic of NOAA/AVHRR thermal infrared data of the Baltic Sea outlining sea surface temperature and ice cover
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg, NOAA/AVHRR-Quicklook (MS) of the southwestern Baltic Sea and the eastern North Sea
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg,
4th IICWG Meeting - AARI St. Petersburg, April 7-11, iv/particip_iicwg4.html 21th Baltic Sea Ice Meeting (BSIM- 21) FIMR - Helsinki, June 9-13, 2003
K. Strübing: BSIM and BSH Activities 2001/03 - 4th IICWG Meeting, AARI, St. Petersburg,